Chapter 6

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Isabela Ferrari's POV

"Uhm isn't the plane we're supposed to board that way" I ask a little confused.
"No bambina we have our own plane" Alex says chuckling lightly. "In the private sector" I ask pointing at the sign. "Yeah well this is our sector and we own a private jet" Diego says smugly. "Woah" I say shocked. "We're here" says Enzo. I look in his direction and see the most beautiful jet I've ever seen well the first one I've ever seen. I just stand there gawking at it unsure of what to say. "You like bambina" asks Elijah. "Of-fucking-course I love it it's my first time seeing one not that I've never seen one on tv or anything I have seen but not like in person you know it's really more amazing then I thought and I-" . "Isabela" Alejandro says cutting off my ramble. I look at him and see all my brothers along with dad and Andrès with amused looks on their face, I quickly cleared my throat and recomposed myself"I mean... yeah it's nice." I say calmly. A few of my brothers snickering and others just chuckle quietly whilst dad just stares at me with love and adoration. "Aww our bambina is so cute when she rambles" Elijah cooes "Look she's blushing how adorable" enzo squeals. By now I'm sure I'm as red as a tomato. "I'm not blushing" I say biting my lower lip out of embarrassment. "Awwww cute" Diego says pinching my cheeks I huff and slap his hand. "Stop it" I say trying my best not to blush so much. "Alright ,alright boys enough come on let's go home" Dad says. They all nod and board the jet I follow quietly behind.

"Tesoro why don't you sit with me"Dad says ushering me to one of the seats. I nod and take my sit. "Not fair I wanted her to sit with me" I hear Diego whine to Dad. "Oh shut up" Dad says waving him off.

"Isa, sweetie why don't you sit next to me" Lorenzo offers with a warm smile." Well I-" "No she's sitting with me right sorellina?" Alexander says cutting me off and looking at me with hopeful eyes.

"I-" "Sorella you're sitting with me" Diego states cutting me off once again. "I think the fuck not, come on bambina we'll sit together" Matteo says holding out his hand. " No she's sitting with me" Elijah and Ezekiel spoke simultaneously. They snapped their heads towards each other. "Stop" they said again glaring at each other. "I swear to god-" "both of you shut up" Lorenzo says. They scoffed and rolled their eyes at the same time. I guess it's a twin thing.


Really creepy.

At this point I've decided I'm just gonna remain silent and see how this unfolds.

"All of you shut up there are plenty of seats in the jet" Alejandro says motioning to the many seats around us.

I make a mental note to thank him later.


Oh no

"It's was rather foolish of you to think she'd be sitting with any of you, when we all know she's sitting with me" he finishes with a raised brow. "Come farfallina" he says taking my hand in his."Cocky much" Diego mutters under his breath. Ace scoffs rather loudly shoving my younger older brothers out of the way coming towards Alejandro and I ignoring my other siblings protest "Well I don't think my sorella wants to sit with any of you right princesà?" He asks me softly. I heard a few gasps. "He spoke again" Diego whispers. Well attempted to he seriously needs to work on his whispering skills.


"I know, that's the longest sentence I've heard him say" Matteo whispers back, well at least in their term of 'whispering'. "Right usually he says sentences that consist of two words the most casual one being-"

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