Chapter 20

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I was fucking pissed at myself.

I stood dumbfounded dread slowly filling my body as the doctor spoke.

"So there's been a discovery of blunt and penetrating trauma it would seem as if the cut on her thigh wasn't caused by the edge of the stairs but by a dull blade that was thrusted into her leg. " He began the younger half looked towards Elijah who sighed before simplifying. "It's stab wound." He said dejectedly.

"A deep one at that." Emilio added. Before doctor Costello continued.

"Exactly the deep cut seems to be a little older than a week or so. Lucky enough for her she was brought to the hospital before the infection could worsen. Along with 4 fractured and 2 bruised ribs. There are cigarette burns all over her upper chest,
bruises, welts, lacerations, rope marks and scratch marks on her neck,legs and arms. broken bones. open wounds, cuts, punctures, untreated injuries in various stages of healing. Her knee seems to have been healing from a serious injury as well due to the fact that she hasn't been paying attention to it. It's not healing properly. There are slashes and whip marks on her back along with some unpleasant words written all over her back--- some of which are a bit older than the rest... laboratory findings state there's been some type of drug in her system either an overdose or under dose medications-- From my understanding this are all signs of physical abuse-- " he said confirming what we already  suspected.

Dr. Costello was about to go on when Matteo grabbed a chair harshly throwing it at the wall effectively breaking it.

More chairs and tables were flipped, kicked, broken-- you name it.

The whole waiting room was wrecked.
Turned into a rage room.

"Matteo" Alexander said holding onto him as he angrily thrashed against him ready to ruin whatever was left of the room.

It was as if he lost his last sense of sanity.

I've only ever seen him this angry once and that's when he found out about her disappearance it wasn't pretty then. And it sure as hell won't end any different now.

"Take him outside." I said to Alexander as Ezekiel helped drag him out. Knowing he needed to cool down before things got worse.

I don't need him scarring his little sister who laid conscious in her room.

One firm nod from me signaled the doctor to continue.

"Uhm well and as for the situation in hand, Like I said before we've dressed her wounds, and her leg would be fine, but make sure she doesn't use it much for a few weeks. Allow her to rest as much as possible and do not let her to be stressed in any way. Elijah will handle the rest. I've also prescribed some medication, which he'll go over with you later. I'm going to leave now. Please contact me if anything goes wrong." With that he quickly left. We looked at Elijah and he looked stressed and deep in thought, his eyes were numbly staring into distance.

Isabela Ferrari(On hold)Where stories live. Discover now