Chapter 11

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Isabela's POV

"So this is the music room, game room, pool room, study room, Library oh and the garden's around the back"
Ezekiel explained motioning towards various of rooms, as he showed me around their freakishly large house, sorry lemme rephrase that 'Mansion' that is if you can even call it mansion cause shit this is probably even bigger than a fucking castle and no I'm not exaggerating ok maybe just a little BUT!, the point is this place is enormous.

"Did you get that?" Ezekiel asked me after a brief while of showing me few more rooms. No not at all. "Yeah... If  you go over it three more times and say it slowly this time then we're good to go" I explained laughing nervously after realising I stopped listening at music room.

He let out a breathy laugh "Don't worry bambina, you'll get the hang of it just give it time" He said ruffling my hair. "Zeke" I huffed fixing my hair.

"Sorry" he apologized smirking while patting my head. I swatted his hand away groaning.

"Adorable, so now where were we" he mumbled. "Oh right." He said walking towards the stairs we came up from which was hard to do considering my wounds and ribs but I've had worse injuries.

"And down these stairs is the main dining room, living room , movie room and kitchen" he continued pausing infront of the kitchen door opening it slightly pressing his ear to the door. He pushed it a bit more wide and sighing when he saw no one inside.

He turned to look at me probably sensing my confusion he was about to speak before we heard shuffling in the storeroom? I think, our heads snapped towards the noise and saw Lorenzo stumbling out of the room in a apron with a lot of food followed behind by Elijah that had loads of veggies and pots. Their backs were turned towards us so they didn't see us yet.

Ezekiel quickly grabbed a hold of my hand and pulled me out of the kitchen letting out a sigh of relief. " Uhm? Do I want to know" I asked confusedly. He shook his head and said "Trust me you don't " he scoffed. "Let's just say their passion for cooking runs deep" he whispered to me.

"A little too deep if you ask me" another hushed voice spoke from behind us scaring the shit out of me causing me too tightly grip on Ezekiel's hand since he was still holding mine.

He gave me a light hand squeeze before I turned only to come face to face with Diego really close to my face. Ezekiel shoved Diego's face causing him to stumble back. "You idiot you scared her" He said glaring at him. "Geez, I'm sorry I didn't mean to, you didn't have to shove me that hard tho bro damn" he grumbled holding his head.

It's almost comical.

"What do you want?" He sighed raising a brow.

"Rude, anyways I came to collect my darling bambina to take her to her humble abode" Diego spoke gesturing towards the way of my room.

"We were already on our way there" He replied. "Hold on, uhm what am I forgetting- oh yeah dad and Alejandro's offices are on the third floor which you're only allowed on with one of us, but we'll discuss that later" he quickly added.

"Okay" I replied nodding.

" Come on , I'm getting bored" Diego impatiently whined already half way up the stairs.

"Coming" I quickly said rushing towards him only to be stopped mid-way I turned and saw Ezekiel isn't moving.

I furrowed my brows " Aren't you coming?" I asked softly.

"No, I'm not I have something to go do" he answered flatly.

"Okay" I replied giving him a small smile. He gave me a warm smile still standing there. "Is there something wrong?" I asked confused on why he hasn't moved yet. He raised his hand only to realise I'm still holding onto his hand "oh uhm, I'm sorry" I apologized letting go of his hand. He shook his head "it's okay baby, I don't mind" he muttered giving me a small kiss on the forehead before leaving.

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