Chapter 16

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Here I am back to square one

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Here I am back to square one.Sitting in my bathtub wallowing in my own self pitying. Scared, alone , overwhelmed, anxious, angry and confused. I don't know how or what I'm supposed to feel anymore.

I want to cry but I can't.

I want to scream but I don't have it in me.

She was right.

He doesn't want me.

He left me.

He lied to me.

That was the only thing running in my mind. That he lied to me.

I don't understand.

I don't understand anything.

I want-no I need answers.

Why would he do that to me. Was it something that I did. Am I really not good enough. Am I really that unlovable that he couldn't find it in him to keep me.

What is wrong with me?.

I want to cry so bad but I can't.

I'm tired. I'm scared. And I'm angry.

Why does this always happen to me?
I guess I deserve it.

The everlasting pain, lies and betrayal.

That's what I deserve after all right?

A loud crashing sound came from downstairs causing me to jump out of fright effectively getting me out of my train of thoughts. Making me aware of my surroundings.

"Diego did it." An unknown voice yelled.

"I did not." Diego yelled back.

I quickly got out of the tub.Remembering that the boys requested I come downstairs quickly.
Due to how fast I stood I almost slipped but luckily I steadied myself before I could meet my doom.

Feeling my headache from earlier getting worse by every passing minute. I walked into my closet looking for my old sneakers remembering the last painkiller I kept for emergencies only.

After I found the painkiller I didn't waste time on taking it.

Since I have no control over my emotional pain why not control the one I can.

Though one pain killer won't do shit, it won't heal my wounds or bruises it will only take a fraction of the pain away for a few minutes before it hits me even worse. I let out a tired sigh. Taking a look around my closet.

Isabela Ferrari(On hold)Where stories live. Discover now