Chapter 2

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A loud knock woke me up

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A loud knock woke me up. I was scared at first but stood up anyway cause it might be one of ma'am's friends and if I don't open the door for them she'll punish me again, but she also forbid me from opening or answering the door either I'm still gonna get punished either way so there's not much I can do. I checked the time and saw it was 8pm at the moment. I made it downstairs still mindful of my bruises and wounds. Opened the door slowly my breathing hitched when I saw a police officer at the door. She looked at me sympathetically. My heart started racing and I took slow shallow breaths. She must've noticed my panic, and quickly said "Don't worry sweetheart you're not in trouble" she said.

"My name is Officer Parker are you Isabela?" She asked,

I just nodded at her.

"I'm sure you must be wondering why I'm here" she asked.

I nodded hesitantly.

She took a deep breath and asked if she could come in I was hesitant at first but soon complied to it.

"I'm sorry to be the one to break it to you but you're mother was in a car accident and she didn't make it" she said all this in one breath.

I just stared at her blankly not knowing what to say.

I only had one question circling in my mind.

"W-What's going to happen to me? I blurted out.

Am i going to an orphanage?

She looked taken back by my reaction, she probably expected me to ball my eyes out or something. I internally scoffed.


She cleared her throat and said "We were able to get a hold of your father and he agreed to take you in"

Wait a damn minute

"My f-father?" I asked to make sure what she said is what I heard.

"Your father, I'm here to collect you cause I need you to answer a few questions for me ok and than talk to your social worker so everything's set"she said. I looked at her shocked of what she just said not knowing what to say.

I just nodded. she shot up and said "Great go pack your bags and meet me back here okay" I nodded and left. Once I was done I made my way downstairs.

"Well that was fast"she said looking a little surprised.

"Y-yeah".I said nervously

"Okay uhm let's get going then"she said walking towards the door. As soon as I set foot on the doorstep I felt the cold breeze hit my face. And came to realisation that this was the first time in months since I walked out of this house. I was overwhelmed and afraid. My breathing slightly quickened.

I slowly started walking towards the the police car. An hour of answering questions, my social worker showed up her name is Mrs.Landell although she prefers I call her "Indy" or just "Lindsey" cause apparently she's married and her bitch of a mother inlaw goes by "Mrs.Landell" and honestly from what she told me her mother-inlaw is a bitch. Lindsey has quite the humour she seems really sweet and kind.

Right now I'm currently in a hotel. Lindsey brought me here and said I should get as much rest as I can, and thank god for that cause I'm really tired. But knowing I'm meeting my father tomorrow has me really anxious, Ma'am barely ever spoke about him whenever I tried to ask her it would always end with me getting severely punished.

I've been tossing and turning since I got here. I got up carefully and went to sleep by the window watching the stars and the moon as I hummed the song "Talking to the moon"

And slowly began to drift of to sleep.

I hope it wasn't too bad this is my first book guys please don't be quick to jugde...

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