Chapter 21

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Mini flashback

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Mini flashback...

"They don't love you for god's sake, They abandoned you!" She gritted fisting my hair in her hand as she yanked me, hard forcing me to look up at her. "My god Isabela how many more times do you want me to tell you this? How many more times am I going to have to show you! He isn't coming back, he never will" she spat tightening her hand in my hair so hard I could feel her fingers digging into my scalp.

"B-but he promised." I cried.

"It has been three years for fucks sake!He. Doesn't. Fucking.Want. You!!" She yelled shoving me hard on the ground.

I shook my head covering my ears to block her out still in denial even after 3 years.


It's not true.

He loves me.

I'm his princess.

My fratellos care too. Just a few more weeks. Maybe Daddy just forgot to call me. Maybe he just got caught up in work.

For three years?

"No- that's not true-" I was cut off by the burning sting on my cheek licking the blood from my lips....

"You calling me a liar,girl?" She seethed cocking her head at me. Slowly stalking towards me.

"No-no I didn't mean-" I began my lip wobbled as I tried to back away from her. "I-im sorry" I mumbled. "I'm sorry." I repeated shutting my eyes tightly hoping she would just leave me alone.

"You think I'm a fucking liar huh? Me? You ungrateful filthy little whore! I feed you!" She continued walking to me as if I were her prey.

"I cloth you"


"I provided you with a god-damned roof over your fucking head and you call me a liar?" She scoffed chuckling darkly.

"No I - I'm sorry I was -" she cut me off yanking me up by my arm as she dragged me to some place shushing me the moment we passed by my room I felt my heart drop.


"This will teach you to respect and appreciate your elders" she spoke her voice hard she pulled the door open pushing me inside.

Isabela Ferrari(On hold)Where stories live. Discover now