Chapter 8

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Giovanni Ferrari's POV

I sat there gently running my hand through my baby's hair. I remember when she was younger how much she loved whenever I did that so much so  that she always preferred me tucking her in,She claimed that it 'relaxes' and  helps her sleep better. Ofcourse  I never minded I loved spending time with my little girl.

"il Mio bambina è crescuito così tante" Elijah cooed smiling softly. (My baby has grown so much).

Everyone nodded their head in agreement.

"She's so cute"  Diego gushed bringing his hand forward only to get it slapped away by me.

"Don't." I say narrowing my eyes at him. "She needs sleep and I won't have your stupid ass wake her" I say sternly.

"Geez Dad chill" he muttered raising his hands in surrender.

Chill my ass.

I scoffed and brought my focus back to my little girl. I stared at her admiring, I shook my head chuckling quietly , who would've thought after 10years , 10 whole fucking years I'd finally see my little girl again. I searched for her everywhere, killed, tortured and decapitated many but nothing. It was as if she vanished from the face of the earth.

When I first laid eyes on her at the airport I felt my whole world stop, there she was my Bela, my baby, my little girl staring right back at me with those beautiful big brown doe eyes that I've been dying to see for so many years now. When I saw her I wasn't staring at my 6year old daughter anymore but instead before me stood a very beautiful young girl with many features similar to mine but above all her beauty stood out. I couldn't fucking believe it ,I still can't.

"Is-Is she real?"Ezekiel asked staring at Isabela.

"I'd like to think she is" Elijah replied his twin nodding but still in disbelief himself.

"I'm sorry but my god she's even prettier in-person" Lorenzo squealed probably already planning all types of outfits for her and him to be matching in. My poor girl.

"Andrés?" I voiced.

"Yes sir" he answered. "How much do you like your dick?" I asked catching him off guard but he was quick to reply "Allot sir, why?" "Because if you don't stop gawking at my daughter I'll shoot your fucking dick off capisci?" (Do you understand)

He gulped staring at me wide eyed raising his hands in surrender "Si Capo" he muttered with a mischievous smirk. He turned his gaze elsewhere not before glancing at Isabela once more. (Yes boss)

I swear this boy-

"Something's wrong" Alejandro stated cutting me off from my thoughts.
Everyone else quieted down now looking at Alejandro I looked up at him seeing him staring skeptically at Isabela.

"What do you mean?" Alexander asked from beside him.

"Isabela" he began nodding towards where she slept. "Her breathing is uneven" he pointed out. Everyone else turned to look at Isabela whereas I kept my gaze on Alejandro. I already know what his talking about because I've noticed it too. Not surprised that he did notice because out of all of my sons he's the most observant one. One of the traits he got from me. "It's as if it's hard for her to breathe like she's struggling or something" he continued.

"She's probably just anxious from being on a plane" Matteo suggested.

"No, Alejandro's right ,look at the way her chest rises and falls and the small intakes of breath she takes every time  something is definitely wrong."Elijah said his doctor side coming out.

I quietly sat there not uttering a word.
"What are you implying? That's she's in some type of pain or something?"Ace asked. He might not talk much or show it but Ace is genius. He's IQ is quite high. But he prefers people not to know.

"Not exactly but yes" Elijah replied.

"I'll just ask her when she wakes up"Diego muttered.

"No, let her be, if there was something wrong she would've told us don't you think?" Ezekiel said with a raised brow.

"Yeah ,I think what Matteo said was right about her being anxious I mean if it was my first time on jet I would've been sobbing and clutching by dad's arm by now" Lorenzo joked side glancing Diego easing the tension.

"It was one time" Diego grumbled rolling his eyes.

The boys laughed lightly at this all except Alejandro and I. I looked back at Alejandro and his focus was still on Isa. He looked up meeting my gaze and I gave him a slight nod , he nodded back getting back to finishing his work on his laptop.

"il pilota mi ha appena informate che saremmo atterrati presto" Alexander informed.( The pilot just informed me that we'd be landing soon)

"é tutto pronto per il suo arrivo?" I asked.( Is everything ready for her arrival?)

"Si, I made sure everything was set before we boarded the plane." He answered I simply just nodded, my eyes going back to my princess.

"La mia bambina" I quietly muttered placing a soft kiss on her forehead I felt her tense but she relaxed once I got back to running my hand through her hair.(my little girl).

I will find out whatever it is you're hiding soon.


I know it was bad and short I'm sorry and I know I've been MIA but that's only because I've been too occupied with exams and well my schedule was messed up so I didn't have time to update ,but don't worry it gets better I promise so yeahhhhh..... Uhmmm okay so next chapter might be up later tonight  no promises hehehe...

                - lots of love

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