Chapter 1

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I groaned slamming the annoying alarm clock quickly regretting it as I retracted my hand mentally cursing myself. My wrists and arms still hurt from yesterday's punishment. "Ugh" I groaned massaging my sore bruised wrists.The purple blueish marks around my wrist are enough for me to think my hands are about to fall off. I swear if she ties me up one more time, my hands will most definitely be falling off. You'd think I'd get used to this considering every single day it's the freaking same thing. I wake up in pain, I'd got to school in pain, i go to sleep in pain..

I'm so fucking tired.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH WHERE ARE YOU!" mom screams from the kitchen probably drunk again.

Oh no what time is it?
I look at the clock and see it's 7am. My eyes widen with realization and I shot out of bed immediately regretting it because of yesterday's beating that left me with a aching body covered in bruises.

I quickly put on my black hoodie and grey sweats. Grabbing the pain killers from one of my old sneakers that I hid there.

I rushed down stairs trying my best to ignore the pain spread through my body. As soon as I walked in I felt a burning sting on my cheek that caused me to stumble back.


"YOU SLUT!!WHERE THE FUCK IS MY FOOD?"mom yelled in my face with her breath that reeked of weed and alcohol.

"I-I'm sorry ma'am I-" I was cut of my pathetic stuttering by a hard kick that caused me to hit my back against a wall. I groaned biting hard on my tongue when my back made impact with the wall.

I could've sworn I heard it crack. fuck.

Before I could register anything I felt another slap to my face and it went on and on as she yelled at me.

"I should've slap killed you punch when I had the kick chance!! You're nothing but a little whore!! You worthless piece of sh*t!!" She yanked me by the hair and I couldn't help but yelp,my vision became blurry as warm tears streamed down my face. A sadistic smile came across ma'am's face.

"Awww is the little baby crying?" She cooed with a frown. "Look at me" she spoke her voice void of was hard and cold. I hesitantly looked up but I didn't dare meet her gaze. She let out a grunt of disapproval, She took a hold of my jaw in a harsh grip forcing me to look up at her. I shut my eyes tightly quiet sobs living my mouth. I don't want to look at her. "I fucking said look at me" she gritted out. And I could already tell by her voice that she's on edge. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes instantly regretting it when my eyes met her almost pitch black ones. Her eyes only seemed to darken the more she stared at me.Too afraid to look away I kept my eyes locked with hers. There were so many emotions swarming in her eyes"You look just like him. " she spat , there were so many emotions swarming in her eyes as she said that heartbreak,sadness, anger, love but the one that stood out more was hatred.Leaving me so confused. She abruptly stood walking towards the counter. She grabbed the knife off the counter. my eyes widened with fear and my breathing hitched in my throat.

"Mom p-please stop I-I'm sorry please! don't do thi-" I was cut of by the hoarse cry that escaped my lips when the knife came into contact with my thigh.

"I'm not your MOM!! How many times have I told you that huh?!!you don't listen do you? Tsk tsk come'n Isa you know better than that" she said with the sickest smile as she pushed the knife in deeper. I cried in pain pleading for her to stop. My head feeling dizzy from all the blood I'm losing.

"I'm going to the club when I'm back this place and you better be cleaned it smells like drugs and dead bodies in here
And you my dear reek like the little dirty whore you are, freshen up cause I'm coming back with Daniel and he'd like to have a little fun with you again" she smirked evilly "No p-please I'm sorry please I promise I-I'll be better please!" I pleaded hoping should listen for once but no, as always she laughs in my face and walks out the door slamming it behind her as soon as she left a broken sob left my lips and I rested my head on the floor and laid holding my knees tightly. As I continually repeated 'I'm sorry' over and over again.

She has being doing this for the past 10years but somehow every time no matter how hard I try not to react, I always do, it gives her the satisfaction of seeing how much she hurts me physically and mentally and that sh*t hurts like a bitch

I sigh softly and slowly get up trying not to add more pressure to my aching body screaming for me to stay down. I walk up the stairs, watching my movement so I don't slip and fall as soon as I reach my room I take off my clothes trying my best to be careful with my wounds I get into the tub with ice cold water and my body instantly relaxes I hiss as I try and clean the wounds and blood off myself the best I can... I take the two painkillers and swallow them dry.

I grab the first aid kit and try to clean my thigh and my other bruises I grab my clothes and wash them and throw them in the dryer right after.

10minutes later I grab the clothes out of the dryer and put them on.i tie my hair up in a messy bun . I grabbed the concealer from the shelf covering my bruised face. It doesn't look that bad anymore I shrugged making my way downstairs I begin cleaning and cooking half an hour later, I finish cleaning and cooking whatever I could find in the refrigerator. I place her food on the counter and go back upstairs cause the pain killers are kicking in.

As soon as I lay my head down I'm welcomed by darkness.

Please keep in mind this is my first book so I'm not really experienced so don't jugde too harshly.

If the are any spelling mistakes please feel free to correct me

Thank you for giving my book a chance please leave a vote if you liked it

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