Chapter 13

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"Jesus" I gasped scrunching my face up in disgust as I fully removed the bandage around my thigh

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"Jesus" I gasped scrunching my face up in disgust as I fully removed the bandage around my thigh. In attempt to clean my wound. If I don't get medical attention soon the infection is going to spread.
I sighed as I stared at myself like really looked at myself. My wounds and bruises to be exact.

All I saw was ma'am's permanent markings. 'A reminder ' is what she would call the scars. Scars that are always going to remind me of what I truly am.





Not good enough.

I sighed closing my eyes feeling the familiar sting burn my eyes. I'm not going to freaking cry. I'm too tired to.

So tired.

I groaned pulling my hair up in a bun. Noticing the red claw marks on my neck still very visible. Great I don't even have concealer or any makeup for that matter to cover it up. I glanced towards my tummy feeling my lip quiver I bit hard on it to stop it from trembling ,as I stared at the red,black and purple bruises covering my body. I slightly pressed on my ribs immediately regretting it. Fuck, that was not very smart of me.

Why the fuck did I think that would be a good idea.

I carefully stood up walking towards the counter in the bathroom grabbing the antibacterial wipes and new fresh clean bandages that I found in the medicine cabinet walking- well more like limped my way back into the room.

I braced myself before taking out a disinfectant wipe placing it on my wound."Shit" I hissed feeling the sting as I tried to clean around the wound shutting my eyes tightly. I felt slight bile rise up my throat covering my mouth I stood up running towards the bathroom.

Washing out the foul taste with mouthwash while trying to catch my breath I slowly stood up washing my face. "Isa?" A voice called knocking on the door causing me to jump. "Y-yeah" I replied clearing my throat.

"You okay?" Lorenzo asked. "I'm fine" I replied grabbing the bandage as I quickly began to wrap it around my thigh."Okay, could you come downstairs please it's time to go" he said.

"O-okay I'll be down in a sec" I replied trying to get rid of the wipes and blood stained bandages.

"Are you sure you're okay? You sound a little out of breath" he inquired.

"I'm fine" I replied.

"Oh okay be down in five"

I nodded even though he couldn't see me as I heard his footsteps retreating. I sighed quickly grabbing my sweats and throwing them back on. Before making my way towards the door.

I took in a sharp breath opening the door. I heard muffled whispering as I made my way downstairs. All the talking stopped as soon as I came into view.

It doesn't take an idiot long to know they were talking about me.

Isabela Ferrari(On hold)Where stories live. Discover now