Chapter 9

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Isabela's POV

I woke up to muffled whispering, it sounded like they were arguing, it seems like they've been at it for awhile "I still don't get why he gets to carry her" a voice grumbled.

Carry who?

"For the umpteenth time , Shut up" another voice whispered yelled sounding very annoyed. I couldn't really make out who the voices belonged to because I was in and out of my sleep.

"But-" "You guys are going to wake her with all your whining" someone muttered cutting off whoever was about to speak. Well too late for that.
"But that's not fair daaaad" a different voice whined.

"Diego" the stern voice warned.

"Fine"he huffed.

What the hell is going on?

"I can take her if you want, wouldn't want your arms to hurt from carrying her now do we" a voice eagerly suggested.
Wait are they talking about me?

I felt someone's grip tighten around me not enough to hurt just enough to keep me in place. My whole body stiffened once realization struck. Someone's carrying me. My eyes snapped open seeing hazel eyes staring back at me. Alexander. I relaxed a little knowing he wouldn't hurt me right?. His cold gaze softened slightly as he stared back at me. "Hey bambina you good?" He asked me.

"I..... Uhm yeah" I muttered awkwardly clearing my dry throat mentally cursing myself for being so awkward.

"Can you uhm please put me down" I muttered slightly embarrassed that my older brother has to carry me. I'm probably very heavy. He gave me a small smile putting me down slowly.

"I'm sorry for those idiots that woke you" he uttered nodding towards my 4 brothers that were arguing still unaware of me being awake.

"No it's fine" I reassured with a small smile.

He nodded looking forward and continued walking. "Where are we going to?" I asked as he held my hand in his not letting go.

"Towards our car, that arrived 20minutes ago" he replied.

20minutes ago?

"Yeah 5minutes of offloading your luggage, 10 whole fucking minutes of arguing with 7 grown men on who gets to carry you heck even Dad argued a little sorry for my language, and 5 minutes of well trying to be really quiet so we don't wake you" he finished shaking his head.

Seems like the last one didn't work out as great huh

"Yeah guess not" he muttered chuckling quietly. Shit did I say that outloud?.

"Language and yes you did" he narrowed his eyes slightly.
"Sorry" I sheepishly smiled.

"So where's dad and the others?" I asked looking around.

"Oh Dad and Alejandro had 'work emergencies' , Elijah went home with Lorenzo to prepare for dinner and to make sure everything's set for you and well Andrès had to go home something came up but he said he'll come by once you settle down but besides that will meet dad and the others at dinner". He explained.

"Oh" I nodded. "Yeah so it's just me, you, Diego, Matteo,Ace and Ezekiel" he concluded. "Speaking of which that reminds me cover your ears" Alexander muttered before clearing his throat. Leaving me confused.


"ragazzi smettetela di litigare o vi lasciamo il culo!" he exclaimed getting the attention of my brothers and startling the shit out of me.(boys stop your arguing or we're leaving your asses!). Oh now I get it. Shit. That was loud.

"Come let's get you home they'll ride in the other car" Alexander said ushering me towards the black Ferrari.

How ironic.

"Woah" I muttered wide eyed.

"You like?" Alexander asked opening the front seat door for me. I composed myself nodding before entering the black beauty.

At this point I'm not even gonna ask on the amount the car probably costs someone's end year salary combined tripled even.

He started the engine putting the car in reverse before we heard a loud honk turning towards the window sliding down stood Diego with half of his body poking out of the window of the black jeep.

They must really like black. They have great taste.

"Why don't we have ourselves a little race as a way of welcoming our bambina back home" Ezekiel yelled over the loud music booming through their car.

"What do you say sorellina" Ace asked sticking his head out of the sun roof.

"Sure" I beamed excitedly

"Get ready to eat some dust" Diego exclaimed sticking his tongue out. "Woohoo let's go people we've got a race to win"

"You're on" Alexander muttered smirking readjusting his shades revving the engine.

Well damn..

This is going to be fun.

I'm loving this place already.


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Lots of love
-Destiny ❤️

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