idea 24 - New Dawn

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Eve is exhausted, all the time. Sometimes it's her own doing, occasionally not so much.

All she knows is the restless feeking of staying awake for two days straight.

Yesterday, Evelyn was on her way back to the castle and fell into a grave. had to wait for the workers to get her out. "who falls into a Grave?!" she thought.

Today, Evelyn is in the courtyard, letting the wind carry her thoughts as she play with a ball. "Ha, the mutt is playing with a ball." she thought as her boredom cought up with her.

She was hiting it against the wall, making stories of the random noises She heard in the surrounding valleys.
hiting it once with all her might it shoots forward. The sound echoes through the midnight air as the ball flies over a brick wall. "Welp, not doing that again." she mumbled

She opened the west gate and look for it with the light of the rising sun, trailing over the wet sea of grass and weeds herI socks soaked through. She spots it few steps away. Her ball or what she thought was her ball, but it's soft, and furry. A mouse? leting out a squeak she drops it, wiping her hands on her sweater. She looks around and still doesnt see her ball anywhere. Eve softly drag her feet through the garden trying to feel it.

"Hay!" A voice calls over the yard's Wall. Evelyn nearly jumps out of her skin and whips her head to the sound that pierced through the dark.

"The park closes at Two, what are you doing here!?" They call again.

"My ball flew over the fence." she pointed to a random house across the brick street.

"Be sure to leaves before the Dogs get out." He mumbles, going back to whatever he was doing. .

She nods her head and gives up on looking fir the stupid ball.

The dogs, Werewolves some call them. They own territory here. They let humans roam under their strict eye.

Year's ago the dogs came from an island trying to find more land due to overpopulation.
Six hundred thousand dogs on one island. Nobody but dogs lived there, nobody knew. they got little to no help from the outside world, So when the giants came, they ran. Giants? Well, They died. Vulnerable bunch, they never were able to get enough food, when infections from that war they all died.

The dogs no longer wanted their island though, they wanted to rule, they didn't know humans were weak creatures. They didn't understand they were superior in body and mind. humans now had to stick to helping them for free housing or pay with their lives.

Evelyn is half-wolf, and she hates it. A bastard child. kicked out, and the only thing she does now is play dress up. Not actually, but she feels like it since her Master's house is full of workers.

She works for the king's Brother, the duke. Not a Prince. She gets paid, and lives here, if she doesnt get into any trouble she lives.

Her hair is thick like theirs, and curly like her mom's, deep dark curls that cascade over her shoulders, pooling at her tits.

"I don't hate myself, I just strive to be better. " she always says

Evelyn's POV

Drifting out of my thoughts, I reach the castle. erm, well the large mansion, I call it the castle. But most dont, a wolf sniffs me and checks my tag.

Yes, I'm tagged. A beautiful gold and crystal, earring hangs from the top of my ear, wielding the duke's crest. It resembles an old lantern, the crest is made of silk and it floats inside the crystal.

It's lighter than it looks. The gold isn't real, but no other wolves have my tag, so I find it special.

I tie half my hair up and away from my face, watching my shadow slowly move as I take the long walk from the gates to the castle. The sun rises behind me and my eyes wobble with sleep. But I have another job to do now, and nobody can do it better than I can.

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