Idea 29 Something's In The Air

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Semi spoils to my book Airborne. This is in the same universe at it is, but 20 years from the start of it.

I tie my dress into a clean knot, up at my knees, smearing the mudd off my legs, I step into the river. I let my fingers drag through the clear water, whike I hold the hat I just weaved on my head, the wind picks up and flows over the water in waves.

Today feels, different some how, my heart throbbed for someone who wasn't there, and my breath feels lighter, freeing.

The fish dance along my toes and the hot glaring sun shine into the depths lighting the whole river into a bloom of reflection, Today is like no other. That is for sure.

"HAY! LADY ARE YOU CRAZY!?" a man on the bridge yells to me, he has a dark wide rim hat that clouds his face in darkness. "THAT'S RILEY RIVER!! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO OWNS THIS BODY OF WATER!?"

I sigh into the raging breeze, Sabin's River. Also known as Riley river, its known for the fresh water sharks that swim up it to get to the willowed lagoon west of here. But I have never had a problem with said river, I feel the fish swim past me, I feels the cool water, the hot rays from summer, the brilliant view of the town. But all people talk about is the sharks.

I wade my way out of the river, the man runs to the cat tails, then stops to wait for me. "You know better then that miss!" he growls.

His posture sinks when I walk next to him, gross.

"i-i-i apologize Young' w-witch Vivien." he takes off his hat and holds it to his chest, bowing at me.

I'm not a bloody witch, I don't understand why people speak of me that way. I look down to my white dress, my bright orange hair, the delicately woven hat with lace and bright flowers gracing the crown. I don't even look like a witch, well. I don't think I do.

I nod my head and pick up my picnic basket full of reeds. That I'll need to dry out. My dagger placed back in my holder, the fabric clothe that held my flowers that now reside in my new hat. I put my bag over my shoulder and make my way back to the cobbled path, seeing my favorite couple and their carriage.

"Ah, Viv, Tis' a beautiful morn innit." the cobler's wife says feeding their two headed viper a dead fox. I look up at the gorgeous twins. I rub each of their noses, their tongues each flicker out to greet me .

"I can never understand how'd they not hiss at you." her husband says hammering a stud into the wheel.

I shrug softly, my gaze going back to the red beasts as they meddle in each others business.

I grab one of the bright purple cat tails in my basket and snap it in half, the white milky fuild spilling out of the milk reed. I give one half to each of the twins, Sithe let's it fall then gradually licking up the fuild, but Flix gobbled it up whole.

I wave to the coblers setting off deeper in town, I needed a new carving knife. Following the paved path to the smither.

This is one of the many towns my medow lives near. I own the Sun crested meadow, really my father does and I'm currently running it, my house is in the middle. A windmill. It mills the flowers into dyes that I sell for a pretty penny, why is the dye so pricey? Well the meadow at all times of day gets sun, there is no inch of the meadow that is ever in shadow until night. My windmill is in the center, winding carved brick roads separating the meadow into 9 segments, each segment growing a different sun rich flower.

I'm busy most days working on the mill, but summer is coming to an end and I'm enjoying my days off before the winter flowers get ready to bloom.

I enter the lively shop full of people, some working hard as the sound of metal on metal vibrates to the air, others yelling and talking brightly to companions, some even taking requests. This town is known for the best smithers in Airborne.

I stand next to a tall elf with blind hair, waiting for it to be my turn.

Parrently the owners of this shop work with the king, making his army's supplies. I mean, the place is called King's afterakl. It's bold text over the workshop. Where workers mand their sations.

The elf next to me catches my eye, his masked eyes a void of color.

"what'er you looking for?" His deep Raymen's accent prevent in his tone. I guess he works here, his leather apron more apparent to me now.

I pull out my blunt carving knife with the crooked edging. He sucks in a breath through his teeth in a hiss.

"what'er you carvin? Limestone?" he laughs softly. Before I can argue with him about how limestone couldn't be carved by a knife a girl with ruby red hair runs up to him, "boss wants you." she smiles. Her hand reaching up to his mask pulling the belt loop off, before pulling the wooden mask off his face.

He has a sprout in this hair that wags like a wolf's tail as he smiles at her.

He has a crossed scare down his left eye that flows from his hairline to his mouth in a straight but jagged line, the other from his eyebrow to his nose. His other eye a bright red and he has a blue gem in the middle of his forehead. He was quite handsome but the girl blushing infront of him told me he wasn't looking for love.

"Pip, you aren't suppose to wear masks in here. Plus the wars over no body cares about your gem anymore. " she clasped his hand in hers and they go off into the workshop.

The elf is obviously not knowledgeable about black smithing why does he even work here? I walk to the main counter as my number is called.

" okay miss, what would you like?" a soft but deep voice asks, I look to him and to my supprize he is human! I thought they were extinct. "Your human." I state bluntly. He grins and nods his head, one filled with bright green hair- Holy crap! He has stronghold?! He softly laughs.

"I'm King, the owner of the shop. Please tell me anything you need and I'll get it done." he gestures to the large words over our head, 'King's'
I've visited this place countless times and never knew.

Who would've thunk


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