idea 9 Invitation

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(Rewriting as of June 2022)


Umm, Jamie?" His assistant looks back down at the woman beside her Thinking, 'why did this have to be the first Friday of the mouth!' the day the intercoms got maintenance done.

Both women were captured by his voice coming from the other side of the door.

"Harper, did you finish the B.N.K proposal?"

"Yes, Of course. But-" she softly spoke.

"Could you set it on my desk before i leave for my flight. I could drop it off personally while I'm in Boston. you couldn't pay me enough money in the world not to see that Bastard's reaction"

"Yes sir. Your 4:00 is here." she chose to say. She didn't want to come in-between the stubborn woman and her stubborn boss. Maybe she should have a ambulance ready for the girl... She walked away from the woman making her way in.

Villa was nervous. Her mind was wondering, her thoughts going back to all the time it took for her to get to where she was standing, and how the man before her could tear that down.

But she won't let him.

She worked to damn hard.

"This is going to sound bad." she said her lines like rehearsed.

His golden gaze fell upon her face.

Her hands were balled into fists her, hair frizzy and in a tight ponytail. Her nerves must show right through her she thought.

But all he was thinking about was the black eye she had, the dried blood under her nose.

He stood, he didn't know what to do. did she have the wrong office- No Harper wouldn't have let her in.


"Ah- baba. " She stoped him her finger raised, taking a Steadying step, A calming breath. He halted

" I'm pregnant. " she finally let out.

James was beyond confused.

"Miss are you alright? " he walked closer. this woman must be mentality unstable or something.

She clutched her small purse her lip wobbling.

"I don't want you to be in their life, or need money or anything. i just need a place to stay. My- M- I'm not allowed back home. " she squeezed her eyes shut for a second, " Please. "

James stood shellshocked. Is she saying? He can't. Impossible. He opened his mouth to speak, but the words fell flat. He was simply stunned. he hasn't been with a woman for mouths. Not since the new additions. He looked at the girl again as she gasped in air, then she started shaking. he took his suit's jacket off his desk and draped it over her shoulders, she wouldn't let their eyes meet,she wouldn't even look up, but he knew she was silently sobbing. He lead her to the large couch he'd thought he'd take naps after late nights hit. But iit's only sat there collecting dust.

She sat and he beside her.

She put a hand over her mouth a clawed at her hair as the silent sobs became more pronounced.

"Miss... " He let slip past his thoughts.

"Villa, Villa Windigeo. " he choked out.

He sat there rubbing her back softly. and she slowly calmed down.

"I'm sorry. i don't know what i was thinking. i thought this would go a lot different" she laughed humorlessly.

"You don't remember me at all... Do you? " She hiccuped.

He simply said yes, what else was he supposed to say? He had a woman who look broken and beaten to a pulp sitting beside him. even if she was completely mad, had the wrong person or even was just a random gold digger. He did not know this girl.

"We meant at Finch ski resort?" She tried to remind. He might have been there a thousand times this week alone. "You might have to be more specific. "

She scoffed her head in her hair again as she leaning forward.

"how many women do you meet at a ski resort-" She halted. " Sorry. that was insensitive. i apologize."

He was feeling a whole lot more embarrassed than earlier,

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