Idea 34 The Stolen Diary

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"Okay,  you can do this Priya.  just take one deep breath..." her breath hitches making her frown" Okay maybe two." 

Priya lays the final book on the pyramid Miss Wilson told her to stack.  it has fallen twice due to who knows what.  Ghosts is Priya main theory since nobody has walked in the bookstore all day. 

Miss Wilson wanted Eric Sqigglewart's new book about an Egyptian woman marrying a undead king to be stacked as if it were part of the story.  in her words 'its a hot seller Priya,  you must do everything you can to earn a dime around here. ' she said this as she picked up a dime on the front step,  she kissed it.  

Priya would have simply thrown up. 

She stepped off the small stool almost tumbling straight into the pyramid but she caught herself just in time for the door to ring. 

She dusted off her skirt and looked to the man at the door.

He had scruffy brown hair that was just a shade darker than his tanned skin, his eyes were protected by sunglasses and he was covered in sweat making his white buttoned shirt stick to him in a way that made Priya stomach feel funny. 

"Do you need some water sir?" Priya asked making her way to a small wooden desk with ice water for customers in this blazing heat. 

His heavy breaths fand out. He waved a magazine in his face as he glanced behind him looking for anyone that might have followed him in here.

" Please." The man replied to Priya. She took one of the bottles that still dripped with water from the cooler she'd taken it out of half an hour ago. 

She handed him the bottle. "Here you go."

He was following Priya's every move with  his gaze making her feel like an animal in a cage.  she held out the bottle to him. His large hands took the bottle from her and promptly took a sip.

Even though his eyes were covered Priya could feel his eyes move along her from her cuffed shoes to her plain dress. 

She held her head down and walked to the book cart she'd been holding off putting away since the whole pyramid scandal of 20 seconds ago.

She first made her way to the chldren's section since those were the easiest to pick out of the crowd.

She let her mind wonder, nearly forgetting the man who could stand in for a chiseled piece of art anyday. he never seemed to move. 

" what's the name love?" his voice was low it startled the poor girl enough to drop the book she was reading the title of. 

"pardon?" she squeaked not hearing the words he actually said. 

He took off his sunglasses and clipped them on his collar.  "What's your name love." he squinted due to the bright overhead lights. 

"Priya." she simply stated,  she had a name tag pinned to her dress anyways.

His mood seemed to change on Miss Wilson's dime because from the short time it took him to walk over too her his mood went from on guard to flirty. His large hands brushed the side of her cheek.

It made an odd shiver run down her spine, Priya didn't like this, she took a small step back,  not wanting to offend him. 

"Priya, Baby.   How about we head to the castle." he winked letting her stand back a bit, his now sharper gaze making her feel gross.  "What do you mean by castle?" she scrunched up her nose at his weird pick up line. 

She was no stranger to a pick up line or two,  but she has never heard a 'castle' as part of one.  men would come in and flirt with her all the time due to the bar across the street and her late hours. 

"oh you know what i mean honey cakes."

Nope,  she did not.

She turned on her heels to the direction of the stairs trying and get franky,  Miss Wilson's Pitt bull who lived in her apartment.

"please leave."

"Don't you know who i am Wench?!" he growled following after her. as she sped up so did he, and when she felt his hand graze her wrist she screamed.

Just then the door flew open and someone yelled "Daxton are you in here?!"

They must have heard her scream,  the man stood at attention in front of Priya as if his commanding officer walked in.
She sunk to the floor in fear. 

"Brother." the new guy rages finding them near the back in the small store. 

He looks to the woman holding her heart and breathing quicker than usual, then he looks to his Jackass of a half-brother.

He pulls daxton away from the girl,  his body guarding the woman from him. 

" Renaldo and Corax lost you nearly twenty minutes ago." his brother looks down on him,  making Daxton's blood bubble. 

But he doesn't move.  he knows his brother, better than people would think.  The King to be, will be a Warrior. 

He will reign with an iron fist and the first thing he'll do is use it punch Daxton in the jaw.  and Daxton doesn't blame him one bit,  because he'd punch Sirius right back. 

With nothing more than an ugly glare he turns to the door. 

" Miss?" Sirius turned around,  he stood a few centimeters away.  his large boots brushing her dress. 

"Did my brother... did he do anything?"
He heard the scream, though he was somewhat greatful for it (getting the playboy Prince that always seemed to disappear,  found) but him doing something enough for her to scream? It didn't sound like a fangirl scream either,  that isn't something he should be thankful for. 

"No,  but i think he was about to"

Thats what he thought. knowing she probably needs some time before he makes her sign the confidentiality form.

He wandered off in the store looking around in the cold little shop.  their was glass blown figures on the far side shelf over the religious books.  he'd follow the rows of bookcases with his hand grazing each book as he slowly walked to the front.  Every now and again a book caught his eye,  rather it be the title, the cover,  or the synopsis he's read quite of few books in his day. 

But no book caught his eye more than a small green leather bound book,  sitting alone on the counter for checking out. 

The book seemed rather plain,  he didnt know why it caught his fancy,  but he picked it up anyway. 

It was heavier than he thought it would be, for being such a small book it probably weighed more than a good pint of beer on tap.  which is the closes thing to the weight he could think of. 

It also smelled of drying flowers and sugary spices.  

Yep,  its settled he is buying this book.

"How much for the leather bounds again Priya?" An older woman's voice rang out in the store, slightly making Sirius jump. 

"2 pound ma'am" Priya's sweetly replyed.

2 pound? Really for a book? Really? He tought. 

Sure why the devil not,  cause apparently he needs this book.

"Priya, dumpling." the woman said again. 

"What's the matter Mrs. Wilson?"

Priya,  he had to remember that name.

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