39 - Bitter Sweet

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Redmond Walter an aspiring musician with rough looks and a stapled together life.


Eleanor Waltz an astablished baker with a cinnamon roll personality and no one to take her seriously.

Maybe the overly serious guy can give her some pointers.

Maybe the overly sweet girl can give him a reason to keep fighting.

These are written like a diary of memorable moments for them. 

September 12th

A soft click sounds when a car weighs down the plate as soon as I open. I already know today is not going to be a good one. Its been raining since I awoke at Four this morning, I've steped in vomit, soaked my worn out boots in puddles, and now am standing in my cupcake get up while taking the first order of the day.

"How may i help you?" My voice hits my ears making me scowl. It's heavily graveled becouse of sleep, or lack there of in my case.

"Coffee, two hash browns and... a- a sunny side up English muffin." A southern accent, thick and a slight slur on his lips. A regular, Reg, or so we call him since he's never come in and gave his name for the order.

"Size?" I ask after typing everything else into the machine. "Size? Size of what." He grumbles.

"Size of the Coffee." I say in return.
"Oh- uh, Large."

I mute and walk to the toaster to fetch his hash browns hoping that one  of my co-workers come in on time so i only have twenty minutes of this shit alone.

Popping a lid on the cup i hand everything to him. "You didnt spit in it did j'a?" I decide not to say anything as i also hand him his card back and turn to clean up the espresso machine when i hear a honk. He's stayed parked at the window looking at me for an answer

"Not this time." I say dryly, closing the window.

"Honey! I'm Home!" Someone screams from the back, I jump slightly, and turn towards the sound. "Hiya Redmond" Eleanor~

She grabs her name tag. "I'm so sorry I'm late! Fifi broke down again," she frowns slightly but smiles back up at me before I can even think of replying she says "Did anyone order any pastries?" looking like a puppy.

I give her a shake of my head before saying. "Only Reg. " 'Reg' Is what she started calling Southern Accent guy last time I saw her, and I guess it stuck with me. " Yay!"

She gives me a dazzling smile and turns towards the ovens.

Eleanor was hired because she's the owner's daughter, but she now owns the Café. bakes fresh bagels and bear claws every morning, and makes fresh Custard and other sweets every afternoon. Eleanor, Is... I look at her baker's curves and curly hair tied in a knot low on her neck, her worker hands with chipped polish and a dozen rings. her hips swaying as she pounds out a brick of cold dough. Eleanor is... Sweet. Everyone who comes in already knows shes sweet, women adore her sugar filled treats, and men collapse from a sugar coma before they can even taste one. I've heard children call her sugar plum fairy. she glows like the sun and people gravitate towards her.

Plum being becouse of the hair at the time, she changes it for the seasons. i think- i dont see her much in summer since i've only worked here 2 years and she was not here for the summer last year.

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