idea 1 Wingwoman

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He ran through his women like he did his dishs.

Yet his best friend was a girl. "it's not like that. " "just friends." Not once, never has either of them had any feelings for each other. they became friends in their senior year of highschool.

They currently live together and have their day to day living rituals.

Aida queens, is a twenty seven year old angel, she doesnt fit in either "tom boy" or "girly girl" she doesnt mind getting dirty but loves to make stylish outfits with the right color mix, she doesnt wear makeup never had an artist talent of any kind. She was born in Australia. shes on the chubbier side. She snappy yet quiet. Quick on her feet and very good at improve can basically think Only on the spot.

Ronnie Avery is a twenty four year old sweetheart. He is very quick and charming. He honestly gives someone's opinion a thought. He loves the side ways tango but didnt see himself in any relationship. He normaly wears a sweater of some kind with shorts. but, on cold days will be cought in sweats. Born in Scotland. he's always been real superstitious, never walks under ladders or horse shoes and so on. Loves to work out but doesnt have that amazing drop dead hansome face your average joe in the face department.

you see im getting ahead of myself, how'd they end up living together? You may ask, Well you see...

One day ronnie started falling in love with this girl, danny. his eyes were on her from the moment she came into the room. He had a good few year long relationship even thought of proposing, when she got pregnant. Then he found out with two other guys babys... at the same time. How does that even happen?!

He went to aida for some comfort, as soon as he talked on the phone with aida she bought him a ticket down to Chicago where she was living and let him live with her till he got back on his feet.

He packed his stuff from his studio apartment in London and flew into Illinois.


third person pov -

ronnie finaly got the uber to pick him up from the airport. Telling him adia's address.

He cant help but feel discouraged, even if he is meeting his best friend he hasn't seen in months, it not like he hasn't talked to adia, they've just been living away from eachother for years.

The uber pulled up to her house about a good 8 miles out of the city (ooh look at me using amarican distance terms)

He grabs two large duffel bags and slung them over his shoulder before grabing two cardboard boxes. "I'll be right back, got to put my stuff on the porch" ronnie said in a monotone mumble to the driver.

He opens the screen door and plops a bunch of stuff down before grabing the rest from the trunk, then payed the poor guy.

He rang the door bell within minutes Adia ran up to him and ruffled his hair and pulled him into a hug. Ronnie was average hight but adia is small, like fringing tiny. But with the extra 2 feet ( I did it again (; ) of stair of hight to reach his head.

"I missed you puppy" she said, adding a, "now lets get you moved in."

He grabed some stuff that layed at his feet and followed adia into the house. She droped some stuff on the floor in what he was guessing is the quest bedroom, little did he know adia wanted him to Live with her.

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