Wishes, Hopes and Dreams

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Hey Everyone! This is my first story so here it goes!

Chapter 1: Hopes and Dreams.

(Name)- Add you name(C)- Color(H/L)-Hair Length

(Name) stood looking outside your window that was closed firmly shut. It's been like that ever since you tried to escape out of it but one of the gaurds woke up and saw you and put you in the dungeon where you got beat. Ever since then, you had been locked in your room like a prison. You used to look out your window and stare at a Hyrule castle wishing and dreaming about going back. But ever since your sister, Zelda, and her armies came and fought for you back but lost. You still remember looking down at your sister from the window crying and banging on the stained glass windows screaming, "Please! Zelda Please! Don't Leave Me!! Don't Leave Me Alone Again!!" You kept crying and pleading and Zelda told her soldiers to retreat and looked to where you stood and mouthed the words, "I'm Sorry....I'm so Sorry..."  Tears fell from Zelda's face as she retreated with Impa and the army. After that you thought that Wishes, Hope and Dreams seemed overrated from where you stood. Nobody could save you...it seemed hopeless.

You clenched your hands on the glass holding back tears that were starting to form in your (C) eyes. You walked over to your dressere and looked in the mirror looking at (H/L) (C) and your reflection.  

"I can't take this much longer...." You glanced at yourself and frowned and lowered your head. "I just want to go home...I don't care if Wishes, Hopes and Dreams aren't real....Just someone please save me..."

Wizzaro came into your room and you looked up. "Master Ganondorf wants you now so I suggest you come with me or else he will beat you like last time." He laughed and you snarled at him. "I Don't Care what he does to me!" Wizzaro laughed more.

"So you think your sister is going to come rescue you from here still!? Sorry Princess but Like that will ever happen!" You glared at him fight off the tears that were raging to come out. I have to be strong! I can't show him I'm weak!

"Oh yea? You piece of leftover bacteria!! I still have Hope that they will save me!!" He chuckled.

"I'm your dreams, Well I'll bid you good luck on you Stupid 'Hopes'." Wizzaro left and closed your door and you quickly rushed to your bed crying into your pillow as you always did ever since you had been here. When you finally stopped crying and no more tears couldn't come out you knocked out in a deep sleep.

(Okay so for this part it's like Hyrule Warriors but it still has the the Link you want in it)


Zelda was at her throne upset and looking at a portrait on the wall of you and her smiling. Impa came inside and sighed as she walked over.

"Princess, I know the Darkness has taken your sister but we must get the warriors ready for the next attack on Ganondorf and on whatever may be out there."

"Impa I know that but....We must find the Hero too....We have to defeat the darkness. We have everything but just not the Hero...and at most we won't win like last time and lose without him. Also if we do try to find him it could take more months in order to fulfill everything but i don't think (Name) can last that long... "

"Yes, Princess I'll be searching and I will find the hero as quick as I possibly can!" Impa turned around but Zelda got up quickly and reached a hand out. "Wait! Let me go with you!" Impa was in shock.

"B-but Mistress what abo-" Zelda cut Impa off and started walking. "She is my sister and I will fight for her I can't just sit back and watch everything come down! I must do this, do you understand?"

Impa nodded. "So where first Mistress...?" Zelda opened the doors and headed out looking at the piece of triangle from the Triforce glowing on her hand. "To wherever triforce is leading me too."

Zelda stopped and the Triforce stopped glowed a bit brighter then stopped. "Well looks like we are here..." She looked around the trainee's training area while some one the trainee's looked at her.

"It's the Princess?" A trainee put down his sword asked.

"I think so but what is she doing here with us?!" Another trainee grabbed a shield responed.

Zelda walked further in and Impa followed. "Princess, I think the Triforce is leading somewhere else are you sure it's here?"

Zelda smirked. "Nonsense, why would it have lead me her-" Zelda was cut off by a group of Trainee's yelling and cheering for a fight between two trainees. "Oh...Impa look at this!" Zelda pointed to a blonde boy who was dodging and attacking swiftly. "That has to be him! I've never saw anyone fight like that before!"

The fight ended and the blonde boy won and Zelda and Impa made their way to him as the other Trainees patted and congragulated him but quickly left as they saw them getting closer while the blonde boy looked at the both of them confused.

"Hello I'm Princess of Hyrule, Zelda" Once the blonde boy heard that he quickly bowed down to her. "Don't worry about that, but I saw you fighting just right now. Congragulations. What is your name?"

The blonde boy got up and nodded. "It's Link" (Which ever Link)

 "Link, I need you to help me." Zelda told Him everything that has happened and he was shocked by all of it.

"You want me to fight WHO!?"

"A Dark Lord named Ganondorf. He has my sister, (Name) held captive. She has been there for over a couple months and we try to get her back but fail."

Link's eyes widen. "But what makes you think I can do it if you already tried to fight him!? Also who is this (Name) girl what does she look like?"

Zelda got up. "She is looks like this." Zelda showed Link a picture of you and he stared in 'Ah'. "Also Because..." She walked over to Link and put her hand out. "Look. See.." Link's hand glowed the Triforce of Courage and he looked down at his hand then back up at Zelda and Impa.

"See you are the chosen one, you have the Triforce of Courage. You are the Hero to save Hyrule and my sister, (Name). Question is....are you willing?"

Link looked at the Picture of you and then at his hand then back at Zelda and Impa. "I'll do it." Zelda smiled and Impa smirked. "Let's get started then."

 Hey readers I hope you liked it comment if you want me to keep going, Thanks!~<3 Love ya!

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