~ Special~

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Hey Everyone!!! That Is It of this LxR and I hoped you like it. The Official story is done but I will be doing shorts/Specials for anything and any occasion to make it last a bit longer like this one I hope you liked how this story turned out! Thanks for reading and have fun with the shorts/Specials!! and Omg The Picture makes me laugh XDDD


Chapter 17: ~Special~

It was a chilled fall evening and everyone was having fun outside of the house. Link was raking the leaves while Damion, Farore, Din and Nayru were playing with the cat Link. You were watching the kids play and laughed until you were surprised cat Link leaping onto the window ledge. But it wasn't just a normal cat. It was Link the cat...but he was wearing a green tunic, Green hat with a sword and shield.


You looked at him and start laughing, You looked behind him and looked at the 4 kids running towards him.

"Mom! Link is running away from us!" Damion said stopping by the window with his sisters following behind him.

"Mommy!" Farore, Din and Nayru said. "We made that outfit for Link but he was fine with wearing it and when we tried to get him to show daddy he ran off and had us follow him around the yard as he jumped on to logs and stuff, Now we think He's been testing us."

"What do you mean by 'Testing you guys'?" you tilted your head at the thought.

"Well we were wondering to but I think he is trying to be like daddy and go on quests around the yard."

You thought for a minute and found out a plan and looked at Link Cat hopelessly. "Oh Great and Wise, Link Cat. Can you please go check on my husband please. He may be in danger and your his only hope!"

Link Cat on the other hand stared at you and shook his paw in a circle like he was saying "And? What do I get out of it?"

You facepalmed and sighed and said even more less enthusiastic. "Oh Link Cat, If you do this Deed I'll give you a bowl of Milk. When You Come Back on a safe return."

Link Cat nodded and leaped off the window Ledge and scurried to find Link in the back of the house raking leaves.

~~~Link's P.O.V.~~~

I was raking Leaves in the back when I saw a Small Black shadow in Green. It ran from the front of the house to the back of the big tree hiding.

"What the...?" I kept my eyes locked on there until Link Cat came out slowly and looked around cautiously at his surroundings. He then looked at me.

"Link Cat are you wearing a cat version of my outfit. Let me guess The girls Made it?" Link cat nodded and I was putting my hand about to pet him when he smacked it with his paw like "Don't touch it just look"

"O-okay then?" I pulled my hand away. "What's the matter?" Link Cat nudged his head to the house and walked towards the house.

I tilted my head and Link cat looked back at me and nudged his head towards the house again. So I went to The house.

~~~Your P.O.V.~~~

You were now making dinner and getting Milk in a bowl. Link cat came in with Link and I put the bowl down on the floor.

"Um Link, I think Link Cat is trying to be like you....But the more demanding version I guess...." Farore, Din and Nayru nodded.

"Daddy we put it on him and he was running from us, and is ready to attack anything, He even did a 'Quest' For 'Saving' you for milk." They pointed to the Bowl of Milk Cat Link was drinking and Link Laughed.

"So He is Like a Guard Cat? And This Town and house is Like His Hyrule to Protect?" You giggled and nodded.

"But he won't do it unless you offer him something." Link looked at Link Cat and petted him.

"Well He is getting Fed and people do love him so He shouldn't be Selfish about anything." Damion looked at Link Cat and Patted his head.

"So Are you going to help and protect even if it's for nothing?" Link Cat tilted his head like he was thinking and then nodded. Link smiled and picked up Link Cat. "Good Link. You want to take off the outfit now?" Link Cat nodded at Link and Link took the Outfit off him.


Hey everyone! Sadly it's the end of this Story and only chapters of Specials so if u want Tell me what Special you want for this chapter!~ I will do anything cause now since the main plot of the story is over And Hyrule is saved and everything is finally in peace I would like Some Ideas from everyone who is reading this for little Specials and since they are specials anything can happen! God I'm so excited!~ Thanks for reading!

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