When Everything Falls Apart... Part 1

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By the title of this story you should know it's going to be action packed so hope you like it and There is going to be 2 parts. 


Chapter 13: When Everything Falls Apart...Part 1

Your P.O.V

I looked up at the sky to see this girl with long amber hair, piercing dark purple eyes and a dark purple -almost Black- dress to match.  You then looked around to see the ground started separating, all of Hyrule was breaking apart. People were screaming and running around until they fell off the piece of land they were on.

Blood was every where. The more blood there was the more the girl laughed and chanted.

'More! More Blood! There must be more!'

She screamed out as these shadow beast with eyes all over came out from behind her and started attacking and tearing people apart.

I looked down at my arms and noticed I was hold Damion. He looked up at me and smirked turning into a shadow beast. I screamed and dropped the demon. The girl noticed me and laughed.

'So I see you missed one...Don't just stand there, GET HER!'

I ran but it wasn't enough. The shadow beasts attacked me. I looked over at the girl and looked to the side of her. It was someone familiar.

"No..it can't be!!"

It was Link. I screamed for him to come and help me, but he just looked at me with a blank expression and looked to the girl, who smiled at him blushing slightly.

"YOU PROMISED YOU WOULD SAVE ME, LINK!!" I screamed with tears flowing down my face. He ignored me and kept looking at the girl while she looked at me.

'Kill her already, Dammit!' The girl yelled and the demon beasts tried but all I felt was nothing compared to seeing Link like this. I was still moving. my waist down was covered in demons trying to kill me. While the top was covered in blood splatter. Link started to come towards me with his sword.

"L-link....P-please...I know your in T-there...D-don't do this!" It was getting hard to breath.

'Just....SHUT UP!!' He yelled at me making me cry more.

'Just Kill Her!' She screamed as I closed my eyes. Nothing was going to save him or me from her...I'm done for...

"What happened to you, Link..." I said lightly opening my eyes and looked him straight in the eyes. "This isn't you..." He lifted his sword and aimed it straight for my neck...

"P-please don't...D-do This, L-lin-"

I heard faint laughing and I blacked out...and it was over.

Normal P.O.V.

You woke up in the middle of the night from the nightmare of that girl and Link. You were crying and covered your face trying to calm yourself down. It wasn't long until Link woke up from hearing you and tried to comfort you.

"It's okay, (Name)." He smiled, holding you close to him and you cried a bit in his chest.

"What was the dream about...?"

You looked up to him and wiped your eyes.

"Hyrule was C-crumbling down the G-ground started to split. E-everyone in H-hyrule was scared and some F-fell off a piece of land they were on or T-the girl wanted to see more B-blood so she brought these S-shadow Beasts and they attack and tore A-apart the remaining villagers. I had Damion in my H-hands..."

You felt like you were going to cry again but Link hugged you and whispered in your ear.

"(Name), Please tell me...I want to help you.." Your eyes widened and looked at him to see him smiling. I nodded and took a deep breath.

"Damion turned into a demon beast so I dropped him and screamed. The girl noticed me and told the demon's to kill me. I tried running but it was no use, I got attacked and they were starting to eat my body. Then when I looked to her, you were next to her and I tried screaming for you but you ignored me and smiled at her making her blush. I kept screaming and the girl got irritated and yelled 'JUST KILL HER, DAMMIT!!!' But the demon's tried but I wasn't feeling anything the thing that hurt me the most was you acting like that. But then you came towards me with your sword. I tried talking to you but you told me to Shut up and lifted your sword to my neck and that's when I woke up..."

Your eyes started watering and Link hugged you.

"I will never do that to you...I won't EVER abandon you nor Damion." You picked up Damion lightly so that he stayed asleep in your arms and leaned on Link as stroked your hair.

You started falling asleep until you were finally in a deep sleep when you heard a whisper... it sounded like the same voice from the dream...the girl.

'I'm coming for you, (Name)...'I'm taking EVERYTHING away from you!...Like you did to me...'



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