Precious Past, Brighter Future.

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YAY!!!! I'M BACK PEOPLE!!! (X333333)

Links: Yea she recovered from the last chapter (XP)

*glares at the Links* Shhhh!

Links: Sorry!! Angel-Dono, Don't hurt us!

I won't I promise (:3).....not yet anyways (>:3)

Links: (O_O) *leaps behind couches* NOOOOO!!! Don't hurt us we are precious!! (D:<)

*giggles* MWAHAHAHA, Ohhhh Yes. JK! (>:D) Now have fun reading, Readers! (XD)


Chapter 6: Precious Past, Brighter Future.

It's been 2 weeks since the Wedding and you were still in Ordon, relaxing. But for you It was amazing you met knew people who were now your friends. Though you have been feeling sick for 3 days now. Every morning you threw up and Link tried to take you to the doctor but you refused and told him you were fine that you were just sick. But you knew if this kept up you would have to go no matter what. Along with that, Link has been keeping a close eye on you too. Is he that worried, you ask? Yes, Yes he is. He literally wanted to pick you up and run all the way to the doctors himself wheather you liked it or not.

You sat by a pond and Link leaned on a tree that was behind you. He was eatting a apple and trying to figure out what was happening to you. How can you just turn sick if the Day before you were all fine. It just didn't make sense.

You sighed and leaned on him. "Link, I'm sorry...." You frowned and he looked at you with concern.

"What's wrong? Why are you saying sorry?" He got down to you and wrapped his arms around you.

"I'm making you worry so much...." You looked up at him. "So....I will go to the doctors....No matter how much I don't like going....if it makes you stop worrying then I'll do it." You and Link knew the Doctor and Link are friends with each other, but you just weren't a big fan about them, especially when you you had to answer embarrassing questions about your body and stuff. You pouted while blushing but Link smiled and hugged you and kissed you cheek making you smile.

"Thank you, (Name)." He got up and helped you up. "Well let's go then." He got your hand and lead you and you sighed.

"Oh Yay...This is so going to be fun....I'm so over joyed..." You said sarcastically and looked at  Link while he wrapped his arms around you.

"Don't worry (Name) It's going to be fine, I promise." You looked at him and held his hand.

"Fine....if you say so...." You layed your head on his shoulder.


(Yea Ima make up the doctor :P Oh this should be fun.)

Link and you made it to the house of Dr. Williams. Link knocked on the door and Dr.Williams opened it.

"Oh Hello Link. Did you get Injured again?" The Doctor looked at you two while Link shook his head.

"Not exactly, (Name) Has been throwing up in the morning for the past 3 days now. I've been worried about her I would've brought her here sooner but she said she was fine so I have been keeping a close eye on her just in case. She agree to come today so I brought her here today to see if you can see what is wrong with her, If you are able too...." Dr. Williams nodded and let you two inside.

"So (Name) You've been throwing up, Am I right?" You nodded.

"Yes I am so do you have any Ideas of what's wrong with me?" He shook his head.

"Well first let me have a sample of you blood please." You looked at Link then back at Dr. Williams and nodded. "Just sit right there." Dr. William pointed to the Chair in  between Him and Link. You walked over to him and sat in the chair. "Okay hold out you arm for a minute." You put you arm out and he got a blood sample. "There. Now let's see what's wrong here.." He bandaged around your elbow a bit and got up. "Give me a couple minutes please." He walked into the next room and left the door open slightly.

You looked at the door then at Link to see him smiling. "See it wasn't that bad." He kissed you forehead and held your hand. "Now it's almost time to figure out what's wrong with you!"

You smiled faintly and nodded. "Yup I guess it wasn't so bad." You held Link's hand and Dr. Williams walked back in.

"Okay I figured out what was wrong with (Name) from that blood sample." You and Link both looked at him ready to hear if you were gonna be okay.

"So what happened?" Link said nervously. You can tell he was on the edge with what was going on.

"Well.....(Name) your pregnant!" Dr. Williams smiled while Yours and Link's eyes widen and were shocked. You quickly turned to Link.

"When did we make this!?" You pointed at your stomach and Link shrugged.

"I don't know but I swear! I didn't give you anything to knock you out! I promise!" Link waved his hands in the air and you calmed down from all the shock while Dr. Williams laughed slightly at Link and you.

"But your fine with it right..." You looked at Link concerned and he smiled brightly like a little kid in a toy store.

"Why wouldn't I be,This is amazing!" He hugged you and you smiled hugging him back.

"Well Congratulations you two." He smirked and you two nodded.

"Thanks for having us." You smiled and Link laughed. "Well ready to go?" Link nodded and you both waved to Dr.Williams and left home.


You layed down on the bed and had a hand over your stomach. "Wow who knew..." Link smiled then nodded.

"Yup!" One heck of a day, huh?" You nodded and he layed down next to you. "Love you, (Name)" He kissed you and then went to your stomach. "I love you too, My little Baby." Link kissed your stomach and wrapped you in his arms making you smile.

"I love you too, Link.....and you too..." You giggled and rubbed your stomach gently.



Links: *nods* I have to say this was the awesomest one!

What are you saying my other ones are bad?! You guys are so mean you know that! (DX) I over here try my best and try to get better then this is what I get for pairing you with your fangirls (along with me)! I AM NO TRASH!! (;-;)

Links: (OuO) We are sorry Angel-Dono....(qq)

*sighs* It's fine.....Well readers good luck! Until next time! (>:D)

All: Bye!!!

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