Despair and Revive

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Hey everyone this is the 2nd chapter and I am going to see how this goes and this might be the last chapter depending I'll keep going if i get comments but so far nothing has came up so this might be it. Again, I am a beginner at Writing and I'm sorry if this is bad. But if it keeps going I'll do like a Aftermath like where Marriage and Kids come in. :)

Chapter 2: Despair and Revive

Today was the day where everything was on the line, Link had a quest to get the master sword in order to save (Name). Link looked up at the sky and started Daydreaming. Something like this he thought was something an Insane person would do but something was different, when he saw that picture of (Name) that Zelda had shown him he wasn't just shocked, he was breathless. Since then he has been encouraged to keep fighting even if it kills him, just as long as (Name) was safe and she was happy with the same smile she had in the picture... that was all he wanted.

Zelda and Impa looked over at the Daydreaming 'Hero' who could possibly save everyone and (Name) if he can posse the Master Sword. A couple seconds Link looked away from the sky and down at his hand and sighed,frowning. Zelda looked over. 

"Don't worry, Link. If you really are the chosen one you should be able to get the master sword...But if your not...." Zelda lowered her head in frustration. "Why does this have to be so confusing! The Triforce of Wisdom glowed around you but what if you aren't the Hero? How can that possibly happen?! It can't nor it shouldn't! You have to be the chosen one or else this was all for nothing." Zelda was crying now and Impa was calming her down.

"Princess, I know you miss your sister but in order to get her back we need the Master Sword." Zelda quickly wiped her eyes.

"Your right but what i-" Zelda got cut off by Link making Zelda and Impa look over at him. "I don't care if care I am the chosen Hero I just want (Name) to be here and be happy with everyone. I will make sure that will happen even if I am not the Hero."

Zelda was shocked. "But if you aren't the Hero you will die against Ganondorf!!? Do you not get it!!" Link nodded and stared straight into Zelda's eyes with determination.

"Yes I know, I don't care if I die. Me dying is NOTHING compared to letting (Name) Stay there any longer and just die." Zelda sweatdropped then nodded back.

"Fine but if you die before you even head to Ganondorf's castle all you said was just a lie." She turned away from him with Impa following behind her leaving Link alone.

"(Name)...I won't lose no matter what happens what I just said will always be true no matter what I will always want to protect you." He smirked and started to walk catching up to Zelda and Impa. "My Precious (Name)"


You woke up sitting on the floor of a empty room chained to a wall behind a dungeon gate. You looked over to the corner of the room where there seemed to be a little bit of light coming from the cracks in the doorway.

"No...No He is going to beat me again!" You started squirming to get out of the chains until you started sniffling and holding back the tears.

"Please" You pulled with all her might. "I don't wanna be beaten again!!" You cried and kept moving, squirming and pulling the chains until you heard the door open.

"Sorry to intrude" A sinister laugh gaving You chills and you turned your head facing towards the voice. "Oh I see so you are crying now?" He laughed and you started screamed at him.

"Yes, Ganondorf I cry and have feelings like any normal person!! I don't care what the hell happens here just leave my people and and everyone out of it!!" You cried more making it hard to breath.

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