Won't you please save me?

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Hey Readers! I'm back! Also I would like to thank everyone for saying Happy Birthday to me. It was really nice so thank you all who did. Now without further hesitation let's get going!

Also with the Video being 10 hours long just listen to it for the whole story then after once your done go ahead and shut it off. :3


Chapter 12: Won't you please save me?

You were making breakfast for you and Link while you gave Damion his bottle. Link set up Damion in his little chair in between him and you. You gave Link his food and sat down smiling faintly at both of them.

"Wow you both are the same, Link." You laughed while Link looked up to face you still chewing.

"What do you mean?" He tilted his head and Damion looked at both of you curiously.

"You both eat super fast like someone going to take it or something. How can you even do flips and dodge without getting sick? You better calm down a bit."

He nodded. "I know but.....I just can't help it...It's good" You kissed his cheek making him shocked and a very beet red blush on his face.

"It's fine, my Hero, Just be careful" You smirked making him blush even more but he nodded and you picked up Damion.

"W-well I have to head out now." Link stood up and kissed you. "I'll be back later, okay? I just need to go to Zelda and the Knights to help guard again." You nodded and smiled faintly.

"Just please come back..." He hugged you along with Damion.

"I will always come back to you two. Nothing will stop me to see you both."

Link walked out and brought out his (Trans. Devi.) and headed to the Hyrule Castle as you waved bye to him holding Damion. (It's what ever you used in a couple chapters before)

You took a deep breath and then looked over at Damion. "So what would your like to do Damion?" He yawned and you giggled slightly, holding him close to cradle him.

"Let's go take a nap for a bit, your father will join us soon enough." You headed back inside and laid down in Your and Link's room.

——————Time Skip———

You woke up and it was dark...You looked around and looked at the sky to see a full moon and dark clouds. "What the....Link should have been back by now..." You were getting worried, Damion was still asleep. Thoughts of what may have happened were appearing in your mind, so much that you can actually picture everything and see it happening in your head.

'What if he is dead?'

"No he can't be..."

'Ohhh What if he was being tortured?'  This thing you were talking to in your head laughed like a insane person.

'That means you can't do ANYTHING about it. How about that? Picture it. All the blood, His screams calling for you, While your just sitting here he might be taking his last breath.'

"I'm going to go find him..."

'Oh well some Death Wish you have. No stopping you. But are you willing to Listen to me?  What if you die instead of him? You get captured or something. What then? Are you that Foolish that you will jump to conclusions and risk your life for something that didn't even need it.'

"Well I guess I'll have to figure out for myself." You stood up and got Damion heading outside first you went to see Illa. You asked her if she could watch Damion for you until you got back from finding Link. She nodded and you quickly headed out wearing a cloak over your other clothing and brought weapons and things you may need. 

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