Things aren't always what they seem! Part 2

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Chapter 11: Things aren't always what they seem! Part 2

 As you dragged Link out you really wanted to laugh but you just couldn't blow your cover. Link followed behind you as you were holding on to the rope that was tied to his arm. The plan was to got to the Execution area to make it look like he was really getting punished, then escape through the side opening in the bushes. I walked to the Execution area and saw Dark Link the Knave of Ganondorf. He walked towards Link and you.

Link looked concerned. "Crap."

"Be quiet, Hero!" you yanked his rope making it look like you really meant it. Dark smirked and walked towards you and smirked.

"So I'm guessing your new here?" You looked up at him and Link glared at him.

"Your pretty cute...How about I give you a hand?" he chuckled slightly and slowly got both of your hands making you not dare to let go of Link's rope.

"What are you doing!?" You looked at Dark then over to Link who looked Pissed and upset that he couldn't do anything so he just glared.

"Get the hell away from her Dammit! Is that how you treat all the new people here?!" You looked over at Link and Dark had you already pinned against the rose bushes and was a couple inches from your lips meeting.

"Oh yea? What are you going to do about it? You still tied up." You saw that Dark looked away and you slapped him.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!?" You glared at him.

"I won't let you harass me and get away with it!" You scoffed and walked off to the Execution area with Link, leaving behind a shocked yet entertained Dark.


You finally made it to the area and made sure nobody was there. "Link, let's go quick." Suddenly a Darkness overlapped you into the form of a person.

"Nice to see you, My Darling. So what do we have here? I see so the New girl is saving the Hero, is she?" Your eyes widen and he wrapped his arms around you keeping you there while you squirmed.

"H-how?! Why are you here?!" He smirked and rested his head by your neck making Link snarl.

"Let's just say that you attracted me, so I just had to follow my new toy." Link Glared.

"Dark, Shut Up!" You shook and broke free from Dark's grasp and went and untied Link.

"Oh? What wrong Link were you getting Jealous? Well this is just the beginning."

"No It's Not, If anything it's the End!" You glared at him and grabbed Link's hand running out the side opening.

"Oh your not getting away, My Darling." He ran after you two and had guards come and follow him.

"Crap he knows something is up. God where the hell is Zelda?!" Link puffed out slightly.

"God don't be so negative, Link." We looked up in front of us to see Zelda with her troops.

"Zelda!!" you both ran to her and she giggled.

"Dark- DARK TRIED TO RAPE ME!!!" You were soooo upset that happened. But it was the only choice.

"So that makes sense why Dark and his troops are here...What did Link get jealous and try to attack?" Zelda looked at us both. 

Link blushed furiously and turned the other way. "N-no."

"Oh...Too bad. Well better get this over with!" You nodded and smirked.

"DEFEAT EVERYONE ELSE BUT THE GIRL, SHE IS MINE!!!" You looked to see who yelled but you already knew who it was.....Dark.

"Yo Dark." You ran towards him and there troops put up their weapons to aim at you so if something happens. "I don't really look like this!" You said happily and stuck your tongue out.

"W-what....What Do You Mean?!" You smiled.

"I'm show you." You snapped your fingers and you changed back into your original self but in a totally different outfit and silver long hair. You outfit was a flowy dress with flowy sleeves

You smirked while Dark blushed. "(N-name)!? WHAT THE HELL!!?!?" You giggled.

"Now if you don't mind it's time to get rid of you!" Ganondorf's troops and Zelda's troops fought each other while you and Link fought Dark.

"Wow is that all you got?" Dark laughed. "Pathetic." He clashed swords with Link.

"Link!" You were scared, hoping Link wouldn't get hurt.

"I'm fine, (Name)" He smiled and you took a deep breath.

"Let's end this here and now.." You ran into the middle of the Battlefield. "Everyone Great Job but we need to finish this once and for all! Please Hold them off until then!" You carved and symbol into the ground and started chanting.

"Candle light, Candle smoke.To powers of air, I do invoke.Magic of Night, Magic of Day.To banish all harm away.Listen and hear the calls of thee!As I will it, So it will be!"

A golden light made the symbol shine bright blinding the Enemy's.

"Let the Darkness meet the Light."

You smiled as all the enemy's started vanishing. "It worked!" link ran to you and hugged you spinning you.

"(Name)" Link's voice started fading but came back slowly as the sun entered your eyes.


"Hmm?" You opened your eyes slowly noticing your surroundings looked like home rather than a forest area with rose bushes and kingdoms. "So I see I'm back...?"

You looked at Little Damion who was asleep in Link's chest. While Link was half awake sleeping next to you and smiling. "Looks like you came back, huh?" You laughed and nodded. "Will you leave again?" You kissed him.

"If it meant leaving you and Damion then No I wouldn't." He kissed back and smiled.

"I'm glad I won't lose you."

"You never will."

You nuzzled into his chest and wrapped a arm around Damion.



Links: *nods* It was Oh and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANGEL-DONO!!

Oh yea I forgot my birthday is tomorrow... *giggles* but thanks you guys *hugs everyone* And hope you liked it readers!

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