The Day of Awakening.

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Hey Readers this chapter is going to be amazing/crazy and might even hit the feelz!

Links: Well if you call killing the Reader crazy then yes you are insane!

Awww thank you Links!~<3 but even if I do love you I won't go THAT Yandere to your readers and my followers!

Links: Oh okay?

Have fun reading and this song will really get you crying tears of joy along with tears of sadness so...

FEELZ UP AHEAD BE CAREFUL! Also read on readers! Thank you hope you enjoy!-


Chapter 8: The Day of Awakening.

It's been 2 days since (Name) past away giving birth to Damion. Link was holding Damion in his hands and tried to treat it was like a normal day and smile to his son like it was fine. But really Link wanted to cry whenever he looked into Damion's (C) eyes that matched (Name)'s eyes.

Link's P.O.V

I woke up I heard Damion crying so I got up went to his room. (Remember Link still sleeps without a shirt XD) But when I was by the doorway he laughed a bit. I looked in and he was holding onto the rim of his crib and smiling at something next to his crib. I walked in and he looked at me and smiled. "What's the matter, Buddie? Did you hear the Thunder?"

I picked him and and his bounced around in my arms and kept pointing to next to his crib."There's nothing there." I looked over slightly just to make sure.

"How would you like to sleep with Daddy?" Damion smiled and giggled making me smile.

"I'll take that as a yes." I carried Damion to mine and (Name)'s room and layed him down. Damion laid in the middle between mine and (Name's) Side, He found (Name)'s pillow and hugged it smelling the Lavender scent.

"You miss Mommy, don't you..." Damion looked like he was about to cry but and hugged him gently wrapping him up.

"I miss her too. But don't worry she is still with us." I smiled making Damion laugh.

"Night, little baby..."

Your P.O.V

You watched Link and Damion sleep and smiled. "I was right...You are a amazing father, Link." You looked back to see Damion's room.

"I guess little Damion still remembers me...He wasn't scared of me like I thought he would be. He was at first but then he remembered me..." You went into Damion's room and saw a white light.

"It's time...." You walked toward the light and saw the 3 Goddesses, Nayru, Farore, and Din.

"(Name)!??!!? What are you doing in the afterlife?! You have a baby to take care of with Link don't you!" You nodded.

"But I died....I couldn't handle the baby so Dr.Williams knocked me out and got the baby out. After that I only last a few minutes. So I held the baby and told Link and Dr.Williams thank you for everything. Then I died...It's been two days since then.." They looked shocked and you started bawling your eyes out.

"I'm sorry..." Nayru quickly hugged You and Farore was about to cry herself. and Din was just shocked.

"Is there anyway I can be back with them?...They looked at each other and nodded.

"The Great Fairy can summon fairys that can heal you but you will still be hurting slightly.." You nodded.

"Where is the Great Fairy?" They looked at each other then A giant crash and laughing came behind you scaring the crap outta you as you ducked for cover.

"HOLY CRAP!?" You looked to see it was the Great Fairy.

"You gotta  stop doing that!!! It freaks me out!!" She laughed even more and you rolled your eyes playfully.

"So Princess (Name) What do you need me for?" You got up dusting off your clothes.

"I need to be healed by your fairies. In order to be with everyone as myself again. What I mean is that I want to be alive again."

She nodded. "I guess I can make that work." She laughed and pointed her arms and hands at you. Once she did that you started floating through the air and a whole bunch of fairies wrapped around you making a clear Sphere of fairies. The Goddesses and Great Fairy looked at you through the sphere in 'Ah' and smiled as the sphere changed color and it looked like you were underwater making it look sooo pretty along with your hair.

The fairies started disappearing into a gold light and you floated all the way to the ground and landed on your feet. Wind blew your hair back nicely to keep it looking the same but hard enough to make it flow back. You turned your head to the Goddesses and the Great Fairy and smiled. "Thank you, Nayru, Farore, Din and Great Fairy."

The Great Fairy smirked. "Welcome and wasn't my work magical?!" Everyone laughed including you but then you stopped and smiled.

"Excuse me but I have a family to get to." You started walking and they waved.

"Bye (Name)! have fun with Link and your baby!" With that you got transported to the house by The Goddesses.


You smiled as you where in the Dining room area of the house. You started walking towards Your's and Link's room to see Link and Damion. Link had Damion wrapped in his arms. You looked over and saw your spot was opened and decided to lay down.

Link's P.O.V

I was fast asleep until I heard a giggle come from Damion. Then I heard a whisper of voice that sounded so familiar.

"Shhh Damion, You don't wanna wake up Daddy do you?" I looked over and saw (Name) Smiling and she had one finger over her lips and Damion giggled more and played with her hair.

"(N-name)" My eyes started watering and I quickly hugged her. She hugged me back and whispered in my ear.

"See...I promised I would watch over you until you I was able to come back." I wiped my tears and she held Damion and smiled while Damion kept making funny noises.

"He has my eyes and looks like you...He also acts like you too." I looked at her and tilted my head.

She laughed and I looked confused as ever. "So You were the one Damion was pointing at next to the crib?" She nodded and smiled. (Name) laid back down and smiled.

"I love you, Link. I love you too, Damion." I got on top of her and smiled.

"Love you too." I kissed her and she smirked. "I also love you." I picked up Damion and kissed him on the forehead, he laughed. "My Baby."

(Name) Held my hand and fell asleep. I kept holding her hand even when I was asleep. Damion was in the middle snuggled up in our arms and fast asleep.


SO CUTE!!!!!!!

Links: Wow I guess you were right?!

HELL YA I WAS!!! Thanks everyone Heheehe until next time!

All: Bye!

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