Daylight Miracles

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Hey everyone! Thanks again and keep in mind I am trying to get better! Hope you like it!

Chapter 3: Daylight Miracles.

It has been 2 months since you have last escaped and when Link defeated Ganon. Everything in the Kingdom was peaceful and calm. Link became the General of the Hyrulian Army. Zelda was becoming Queen, and Impa was her main guard. You, Well you were dating Link. You to got together 2 weeks after you came back when he confessed his love to you.

Today, you were outside under the tree surrounded by flowers. You had your (H/L) (C) in a Lace braid with a white bow to hold it nicely together. You were wearing a (C) Empire waisted dress and (C) Flats.

You took a deep breath and looked around as a gentle breeze of wind came making your dress flow lightly and elegantly. You stared up at the sky closing your eyes then opening them.

"It feels great this never gets old." You ran through the flowers when suddenly you felt hands wrap around you. You looked down to see a pair of Gotlets and white sleeves.

"Having fun, my Darling?" You turned your head slightly up towards him and smiled.

"Link!!!" You hugged him and you both headed down into the shade of the grass and flowers. "I missed you..." Link smiled as he stroked your hair.

"I missed you too." He kissed your forehead. "But remember...I promised I will always protect and be with you...and nothing will stop me from doing so."  You blushed a shade of light pink, Link noticed and smirked.

He got up and lended you his hand, which you took, and lifted you back on your feet. "(Name), I have something for you and I think this is the perfect place for it." You were confused but Link got down on his knee and was pulling out a little green box and your eyes widen and you covered your mouth.

"(Name), ever since I saw that picture Zelda showed me of you and her. I have had a crush on you. I wanted to save you. I know I was in over my head but I didn't care. Even if you didn't like me or weren't like I thought you were. But when I saved you and the more I got to know you. I couldn't help myself. So that's why.."

He opened the box and pulled out a ring with (C) gem in the shape of a heart. "(Name), Will You Marry Me?" You looked at him and then leaped into his arms with tears of joy.

"Yes! I Do!" Link smiled and wrapped his arms around you as you two fell once again under the flowers and grass staring at the sky. Link gently got your hand and put the ring on your finger.

"I Love You, (Name)." You smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I Love you too, Link." You two laid there the rest of the day and when it was night you two watched the stars and fell asleep in each others arms.

Hey everyone! I'm back! Sorry I haven't posted much in 3 days but I'm making up for it!

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