The Ceremony of Light and Love.

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Hey Readers! Thanks so much for sticking with me along this story. Now without any further interruptions let's get started!

Chapter 4: The Ceremony of Light and Love.

It was a beautiful morning, brighter than any day you have experienced. Why were you so happy and vibrant? Well you were getting married of course!! You were on your way to the girl's dressing room to get ready for the Wedding and put on your dress along with Zelda and Impa. Link on the other hand had to go to the Men's dressing room with the rest of the guys.

You walked into the room and saw all the girls getting ready. (A/N: Readers I'm going to get all the girls and guys in the games too just in case so that way it's not just for one specific "Link".

You looked at everyone. The girls who were there were, Fi, Impa, Zelda, Minda, Tatl, Navi, Saria, Princess Ruto, Irene, Nabooru, Oren, Seres, Agitha, Anju, Malon, Maple, Syrup, along with the Great Fairy and the Golden Godesses, they were hosting the Ceremony.

The girl's were wearing a (C) princess cut dress, Navi and Tatl were sparkling more thanks to the Great fairy, Fi was wearing the same cape (I don't know what to call it.) but it was embroided in gems. You, well Zelda was helping you get ready along with Impa.


With the Boy's along with Link were getting ready for the big day. In the group of men was of course Link, Kaepora Gaebora, King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule, Lineback, Old man, Rauru, Darunia, Gulley, Rosso, Osfala, Tingle, (A/N: I'm sorry I'm literally adding all the "Good people" but hey you should've seen this coming XD) Beedle, Biggoron, Vaati, Dampé, Guru-Guru, Mutoh, Postman, Tael and Talon. The guests which were the rest of the Villagers from town were outside with the Deku tree getting ready for the Ceremony. Link was wearing a white tunic with white leggings, Brown belt, His Gotlets, and a white cape with golden rims at the tips of it.

He looked at everyone and nodded to them saying he was ready. The Men cheered and he smiled while they walked out. Your Father, King Daphnes Nohansen Hyrule, Patted Link's back and smiled. Link of course smiled back and nodded. Your Father walked to where you were so the Ceremony can start.


You were with the girl's and they got you in your dress. (Any Dress you would like)

Everyone was staring at you in 'Ah' some of the girl's giggled and smiled. Zelda on the other hand squealed.

"How does it look?" You turned your head to them then looked in the Mirror.

"Beautiful!" The Golden Goddesses smiled and looked at You then Zelda, who was holding her hands together and eyes sparkled vibrantly.

"Oh my Goddesses! (Name) I can't believe it, Your so Magnificent! I can't believe this is your big day! My little sister is having her Wedding!"

"You look amazing!" Ruto said as she clapped her hands together.

Navi and Tatl flew around You and giggled a bit.

"Wow you look so pretty! My Brother will think the same too!" You smiled.

"Thank you everyone." You said and you turned to face them while Malon smirked.

"So I see... YOUR TRYING TO LOOK GOOD FOR LINK, AREN'T YOU!!!" Her eyes flared up with Excitement while your face was red. "Damn, I know your getting married and all but if you keep this you will end up having kids! You sly girl, you." She laughed and your eyes widen at the word 'Kids'.

"What...WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT!?" You blushed madly and just thinking about it made you want to faint.

"God you can't take a joke, can't you?" She giggled. "Still the same (Name) I know and Love." Malon hugged you and at that moment you stopped blushing and hugged back.

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