We will meet again, I Promise.

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Links: Well hurry up we are dying to see this! D:<

Fine! I will! And for this Chapter listen to the song for this please!

Link's and your song: Sweater weather (Nightcore)

(the song is like you and Link :3 Links the guy singing your the girl singing XD)


Chapter 7: We will meet again, I Promise.

It's been 9 months since you found out about the baby. You knew the baby was coming sometime soon and you were hurting a lot and had trouble moving, you told Link to help you to Dr.Williams to see if you were gonna be fine or if something was wrong with you.

Your P.O.V

I was laying down in a patient's in Dr.Williams operating room, crying and screaming in pain. I literally couldn't see anything except water bubbles from my tears. The pain felt worse than getting beaten by Ganondorf yet I couldn't do anything about both of these things.

I looked over and tried to see what Dr.Williams and Link were doing but I couldn't. But I saw Link and I saw faded blonde hair then to suddenly see Dr. Williams with a needle coming towards me.

"It's okay (Name) You will be fine...." Was the last thing I heard him say as I faded into deep blackness...

Link's P.O.V

I saw (Name)...Crying and screaming in pain...I couldn't do anything to make it stop and help her once again....I'm pathetic....

I looked up to see Dr.Williams heading to her with a needle in his hand and her screaming in pain. My eyes widen as he put the needle into her arm...her screams stopped slowly, her last tears flowed out of her eyes as she closed them....She looked dead...

"What Are You Doing To Her!!?!??" Dr.Williams glared at me and I snarled.

"I'm Trying To Save Her, You Idiot!!!" I froze. Did he mean (Name) Could die?!

"What are you talking about!" He came up to me and put his hands on my shoulder.

"(Name) can't handle the baby! If we don't get the Baby out she could die along with the Baby!! But if we get the baby out the baby will live!"

"What about (Name)! Can't you save her too, Your a doctor aren't you!? DO SOMETHING!!" I was angry and tears flowed down my face, I couldn't take this. I can't be without (Name)...I just can't...

Dr.Williams frowned. "We might be able to but...If the baby comes out she will die but if we leave the Baby in both of them will...(Name) will die no matter what...." 

I wiped my tears. "Just try! Do it for (Name)! She's been through Hell and back, She should've died when she got beaten by Ganon but she knew she had people to protect! She put everything even her Life on the line for her family, everyone, Including you!!" He sighed.

"Fine I'll see what I can do..." He walked over and started the surgery.

Your P.O.V

You looked around and it was pitch black and you saw 3 glowing lights of Green, Blue and Red.  You looked at them and slowly walked to them.

"What is this..." You tapped them gently, setting them off making them fly all over and leaving. "Hey come back!!" You chased after them to a room that had a giant shiny crystal as big as the room. "What the..." You walked to it.

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