New Day, New Discoveries.

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Hey everyone This is just an unexplainable feeling I have when ever I update and hearing your guy's thoughts and helping me along the way. So thank you, it's amazing. Also MarielisMendez-Chan I'm sorry but I like Lemon and all but for me if I do one I seriously would mess it up because I can't explain what the hell is going on correctly and it gets boring so yea, what I'm trying to say is that I really, really suck at that type of writing. I'm sorry.

Links: Angel-Dono, at least try to breath!?

*pants slightly* Fine I will next time but now let's get to the story!

Links: ANGEL-DONO!? BREATH!!!! /)~(\ I'm not gonna watch!

I'M TRYING!! I'M TRYING!! Just this chapter is as far as I can go with perverted-ness I swear I can't even handle a Lemon/Smush sometimes!! >////x////< *Fangirls then faints*

Links: ANGEL-DONO!!?? *tries to help Angel-Dono*

D-don't worry about me. J-just read the chapter-...


Chapter 5: New Day, New Discoveries.

You walked inside hold Link's hand as he lead you around. "So (Name) are you happy to be here?" He looked over to you. You nodded.

"Why wouldn't I be?! I'm with you aren't I?" You smiled and hugged him making him laugh.

"Yes I am. For as long as we live." You giggled at that thought.

"Here is where you will be sleeping with me." He walked into a pretty organized room it was dusty but things were in its place.

"Wow how long has it been since you came back here?" You picked up a dusty book and looked at him while he looked at you.

"Well when I went to Hyrule castle to train I wasn't able to come back that often so for 2 years?....I think...." You were speechless, 'He left his home, with all his belongings in it and just left it for two years?!'  While you thought, you helped out by dusting.

"Hey (Name), Can you pass me the shirt right there." You looked over, got the shirt and turned around.

"Here You G-" You froze. Why you ask? Because Link wanted that shirt for a reason...He was changing. You blushed. 'WHAT THE HELL!? WHY!? THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING!  But he is so muscular! (Name), WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU THINKING THIS CAN'T FREAKING BE HAPPENING!? Wait...Does he have....A 6-PACK!? Yea I'm Screwed. /)//u//(\' (True dat my friend XD)

Link looked over at you, You on the other hand tried to hide your blush but it was highly noticable and gave him his shirt. "Thanks, (Name)." He said with a chuckle and put his shirt on.

"W-what was that for." You said flustered.

"Well I wanted to change and we are married anyways we are able to have kids anyways so it's fine." He shrug and you looked dumbfounded.

'=-= So he is saying he wants kids? I don't now anymore. That's it! What ever happens, happens. No stopping it....Oh crap this is going to be something....'

"(Name) You ready to head out? I'll show you around." You broke from your thoughts and looked at him and nodded.

"I am. Let's go." Link wrapped his arm around you and lead you outside, Both of you walked for like 10 minutes till you hit the Village. You looked around in amazement. "Hey Link...Why are there chickens there in the Pumpkin Patch?" You pointed and Link looked over.

"Oh those Chickens are able to go anywhere around the town but be careful I suggest you don't attack one or else you will get hurt."

"Oh please, What can a Chicken do to me to hurt me? If anything it's chick soup time."

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