The Future is Ours.

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HEY EVERYONE Okay so I have a question!

Links: Here we go.

Okay so what should I call my readers? It's something you ALL have to agree on though. So someone type something in the comments section down Below of what Nickname you think we should use. And then whatever name has the most replies from different people wins. I am picking two names one for Wattpad and One for Quotev for THIS so I wish you well and will be happy if you participate/participated! Thanks now onto the story! P.S That is you and Link in the picture with your kids! >///<


Chapter 16: The Future is Ours.

It has been 2 years since you and Link Met, Disliked and were friends with Victoria. You and Link went back and forth between staying in Ordon and Hyrule Castle. Zelda was the new Queen of Hyrule, Link was still the Hylian Army Captain, Damion was now 3 years old, Victoria had a Boyfriend and You, You were a mother of 4, Damion and 3 girl Triplets to be exact. Named Nayru (Baby on Right), Ferore (Baby in Middle), and Din (Baby on Left), Named after The Three Goddesses that helped you on your hectic journey.

You and Link were laying down Damion down for the night in his 'Big Boy' Bed in his room.

"Night My Little Hero." Link patted his head gently as You smiled and kissed him goodnight. "Sweet dreams, see you in the morning. Love you."

He nodded and smiled. "Night Mommy! Night Daddy!" You and Link closed the door slightly and walked to the girl's room looking at the three cribs around the room.

You looked at Nayru, Ferore and Din as you walked closer, feeling Nayru's little hands wrap around your finger.

"Hello My Little Babies Nayru, Ferore and Din." You whispered lightly while smiling, laying them down as did Link.

"Night my Little Princesses." Link said as you laughed a bit.

"Love you, Goodnight." You said as you petted all their heads and walked out with Link closing there door just a little bit, like Damion's. You and Link walked to the room and layed down next to each other.

"Wow...We have had a lot on our plate....And by a lot on our plate I mean a lot of kids." You smiled brightly as Link smirked.

"So You don't want to make more kids?" You blushed madly and hid you face.

"N-no I wasn't saying that....I'm Happy with having more kids. Only if you are happy as well." Link smiled and wrapped his arm around you nuzzling into your neck.

"I'm happy as long as I'm with you..." You smiled brightly and leaned on him.

"Well let's see where life takes us..." You yawned and clinged onto Link as you both fell asleep.


OMG YESSSS I WROTE ANOTHER CHAPTER!!!! God It took me a while to figure out what to happen next but I looked up so many pictures to give me Ideas and I saw this and was like, "YUUUSSS I GOT THIS" And wrote it. I'm also now a Freshmen in Highschool and it's awesome. Thanks everyone who looked on Quotev and I shall be updating Quotev too with this story!!

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