Easter Baby!

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Hey readers Hope your with me so far! Just can't wait! My birthday is coming up and i have to say this story is going so well! Thank you all and have fun reading!

Links: Aww we didn't get to talk!

Ohhh Well Now you did X'''D Okay reader have fun!

Links: Nuuuu!!


Chapter 9: Easter Baby!

You woke up cuddled up in Link's embrace. You smiled as he nuzzled into you. 

"Morning." He laughed, lightly kissing your cheek. You smiled and hugged him.

"Morning to you too." He hugged you back and you turned your head hearing laughing from the room next door.

"Looks like Damion is up too." You got up slowly and headed to Damion's room. "Hi My Little Baby!" You quick went to him and hugged him.

"Hey what about me?" Link smirked and you giggled looking at Damion.

"Daddy! Damion say no huggles for Daddy." You laughed a bit and Link playfully pouted then quickly went behind you.

"What about Mommy? Can I get huggles from her?" Damion was trying to hold back laughing.

"Damion, is Mommy your's or Daddy's?" Damion hugged you and messed with your hair a bit. You shrugged.

"Well Link you saw him." You laughed and looked over at Link who was trying to look angry instead of laughing.

"Oh I'll get you sooner or later." He smirked and you blushed.

"Link! Not In Front Of Damion! Goddesses Seriously!?" You tried hiding you blush but Link blew air warm air at your neck giving you chills.

"O-oh My Goddesses, Link!!" You turned to him with a red blush on your face.

"Fine I guess I can stop for Damion." He laughed slightly and smirked while you sighed and facepalmed.

"Let's just head for Hyrule Castle, Okay?" You looked over at Link and he nodded.

------------Hyrule Castle--------

You smiled as you saw your old home. "Oh it feels good to be back!" You looked around and there was new flowers everywhere.

"The flowers are in bloom!" You sat Damion on the grass and sat next to him in your dress and started picking flowers. Damion tried to pull a flower out but he wasn't strong enough, so he pulled harder.

Link looked over and chuckled. "Need help?" He sat down on the other side of Damion and helped him pull out the flower.

You giggled. "Aww my Little Man and my Big Man worked together and won a fight against a evil plant. How cute!" Link laughed.

Damion had a big smile on his face and started boucing in his spot waving the flower in the air then he looked behind you and smiled.

"Hmm, What are you looking at?" You turned your head and saw Zelda laughing over you.

"Oh Zelda, your here. I was wondering why I was getting a lot of shade." She quickly went down and hugged you.

"How Dare you not tell me I'm a Aunt!" She squealed.

"What's the baby's name!?" Her eyes were sparkling more than usual the only time you saw her like that was when you two were little and your Dad got you both a puppy.

You smiled and picked up Damion gently. "Well, His name is Damion. Here." You gently placed Damion in Zelda's arms.

"Wow He looks like Link but has your eyes! That's so cute!!" She put one hand onto his stomach and Damion got his little fingers and messed with her hand.

You smiled and leaned on Link while he cuddled you. "Perfect combination if I say so myself!" Zelda nodded.

"Hey, since it's Easter how about we have a Easter Egg Hunt for Damion!" You and Link looked at eachother and smiled.

"Okay let's do it!"

-------Easter Egg Hunt------

Damion crawled around the grass of flowers and was trying to find eggs. You and Link were helping out a bit with the ones that were hard to see by going near them.

"Over here!" You smiled as Damion speed-crawled towards you.

"Becareful Damion!" Link said while Zelda laughed.

"Just like his Father!" Link looked at her confused and you laughed a bit.

"Yup!" You smiled and helped Damion find the last bit of eggs.

"Yea I'm still confused." Link looked at Zelda then you then Damion.

"Well when (Name) was kidnapped and you found out you didn't care if you got hurt or died. Just as long as she was fine and smiling. But for Damion it's a different reason. He doesn't care if he gets hurt or anything just as long as he gets to the Chocolate before it melts." Zelda smirked.

Link blushed then nodded, looking away. "O-okay....I get it."

You smirked. "Awww, your blushing!" You kissed his cheek and he smiled lightly. Damion on the other hand found the last Egg and opened it to another piece of Chocolate....which he ate.

Link hugged you and you laughed. "Damion! Mommy is getting hugged! Help!" Damion looked over and laughed, once again Speed-crawling to you and Link.

"You won't get her now!" Link laughed and hugged you more while Zelda was watching in amazment.

"Save my sister, Damion!" Zelda cheered, Damion held on to Link's arm trying to pull him away.

Link smiled and played dead. "You got me." Damion laughed and quickly hugged you.

"Yay, Damion saved Mommy! Hurray!" You hugged Damion back and Link smirked.

"I HAVE BEEN REVIVED!!!" He got up and hugged you and Damion.

You three played a whole bunch and Zelda laughed at every moment of it. At the end of the day you headed home with a sleeping Damion.


YAY!!! Oh and sorry...I know it's a day late but Yesterday I was celebrating Easter with family...and yes I did the Easter egg hunt with my 5 year old sister XD Talk about YOLO and no I'm 13 about to turn 14 next week, not a 7 year old :3 but anywho I wrote a new story.

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