Things aren't always what they seem! Part 1

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Links: *Wearing Bunny Ears* Huh?

I had you guys wear those for a reason :p and it's A-MAZING!

Links: Oh crap *They facepalms*

*giggles* Oh yes.


Chapter 10: Things aren't always as they seem! Part 1

You were sitting down and yawned slightly. "God what time is it...?" You heard a faint yell come from behind you making you jump.

"(Name)! Hurry or we're gonna be late again!!!!" You looked behind to see a guy who looked like Link but was wearing Bunny ears and had a watch with him.

"Ha since when did you care about how much time is left? Also what's with that outfit anyways?" He looked down and blushed slight and looked kinda angry.

"I've always cared about time! Also I usually wear this now hurry up!!" Link took off with puffed out cheeks while you laughed.

"Awww I'm sorry!!!" You ran after him giggling which mad him blush more and stay quiet. He jumped down a hole and you followed holding the edge of your dress down so it won't flow up.

Link's P.O.V.

'She makes me blush and I don't even know her! I have to stop doing that... But it's hard cause I can't hide my feelings towards her. Even if I barely know her."

I moved faster she was catching up from behind and I heard her yell.

"Link! Hold up a bit! What's your problem!?" I looked back at her and she was still following me she was seriously at my tail.

"Crap!" I stopped running and she stopped as soon as she reached me.

"Hey, what's wro-" I covered her mouth.

"They're here..." I whispered and she looked at me confused. I uncovered her mouth and got her hand running.

"Who is here?!" Her grip grew tighter and I lead her to a area behind theses pieces of fabric.

"Dark Link is looking for you then he will kidnap you and take you to Ganondorf. We need to tell the Happy Mask Salesman, (Yea I couldn't find anyone else to fit the part) Skullkid and Talon." (Get it cause Talon ALWAYS Sleeps talk about Doormouse :3)


I looked around and we follow what the Happy Mask Salesman told us to do. He said that we had to quickly head to the White Queen's Kingdom and figure out how to handle things the right way. I lead (Name) quickly through the forest area Dark Link was with the other soldiers looking for her with a King Dondongo just in case if they find her....which they are not.

"(Name) we are almost there. You think you can hang in there a little bit longer?" I huffed slightly while she looked very tired.

"I-I should be able t-to-" She fell but I caught her.

"Dammit...." I heard a rustle of the bushes behind me.

You held on to Link tightly. "I'm sorry..."

"So I see I have found you..." Dark Link smirked. "Hand her over and you won't get hurt."

"Never...." I glared at him while Dark Link raised his hand and the King Dondongo showed up.

"Get them...Do whatever to the him just get the girl."

"No...I won't let you hurt her!!"

"Link Noo!" Looked at (Name) who was crying and she didn't let go.

"Just go (Name) please go! I'll be fine just get out of here!" Dark Link unsheathed his sword and tried to attack (Name) but I blocked her. "GOOO!!!" She cried more and ran off.

Your P.O.V.

I ran as fast I as could, tears kept filling my eyes.

'Link you stupid Idiot Why!? I wanted to help you but you just let me go!!'

I saw the gates to a White Kingdom and started entering. "Help! Help me! Please Someone! Anyone?!" I saw this girl scurrying down the she looked like Zelda but instead of wear the almost usual pink dress she wore White.

"Well you seem knew. Wait a minute...(Name)?! Well whatever we will talk later,what seems to be the matter?"

"Link....He has been kidnapped because of me! I need your help to save him!" She nodded.

"I will get troops and everyone ready and we will head to Ganondorf's Kingdom we will fight along with you but your main priority is to save Link do that first then fight. Just remember don't get caught."

I nodded to her. "I will see you then." I took off head to Ganodorf's castle.

'I'm coming to save you, Link. Like you saved me all the other times.'

I hid behind a tree and waited for everyone to leave the entrance way. Once that was done I quickly left inside the Castle.

Normal P.O.V.

You hid behind things and Zelda gave you a costume to disguise yourself. You put it on and it was a white dress with red hearts on it and a black over coat, and started heading to the Dungeon. You looked the each cell until you finally found in the Last cell, Link.

"Hey." You walked to the cell and pulled out a shard of metal.

"Who the Hell are you?" Link looked at you.

"Seriously...Typical to speak to," You whispered so only he could hear. "(Name) that way, huh?" You sighed and he was wide eye as he started whispering.

"(N-name)!? What the heck are you doing here?!" You giggled and whispered back.

"Oh saving you. Now. Play along." You started talking normal again. "Come on you low life. You are going to be beaten if you don't shut up!"

Link smirked but quickly changed to play along. "Why don't you!"

"Okay that's it your going" You opened the cell and dragged him out.


Okay guys if you are wondering I got bored. Also there is gonna be a part 2 to this so thanks XD also if you are confused on what the hell is going on the end of Part 2 will explain everything so good luck!

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