When Everything Falls Apart...Part 2

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OMGGGGGG I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING IN A WHILE!!!! DON'T KILL ME PLEASE!!! *sighs* Oh Well But I had a TOTALLY bad writers block along with that I was super packed with school stuff. 


Chapter 14: When everything falls apart Part 2

You woke up in Link's arms...he was breathing heavy, You looked around everything looked normal but didn't feel right, it was very hard to breath. You tapped his shoulder.

"Link...Link wake up." He woke up slowly and looked at you with his tired eyes. Damion was slowly starting waking up.

"W-what is it, (Name)?" He picked up Damion and cradled him in his arms. 

"It doesn't feel right, Link...usually at night you would hear the wind blowing and other sounds...but...it's dead silent."

"I'll go check." Link got up slowly trying to keep Damion half asleep and handed him to you as you rocked him into sleep again.

"Be careful please..." You were about to cry. What if the dream was coming true? You didn't want any of it to happen...

"I'll be fine, don't worry. As long as your safe it's fine...I can't lose you again.." Link got his sword and shield and put on his green tunic and green cap. You watched as he walked out. Your heart sank as you feared what will happen if everything just broke in the palms of your hands. 

You felt like you were being watched. You looked around and stood up. Damion was fast asleep and sprawled on the bed. You walked to the dresser and looked at yourself in the mirror. 

"What the hell am i?..." You stared at your reflection for a couple more seconds until you saw a dark shadow appear behind you in the mirror like it just walked in. 

"Shit No! Your the things that were in my dream!" You turned to face this thing as it stared deep into your eyes, peering into your soul. You could tell it was smirking and your shock and fright.

"None of that was a dream...It's simply the future for everything here...Your the main thing that needs to go..." Your eyes widen. It was real, Everything you were scared of has came true.

"Who the hell are you...." The thing laughed and walked towards Damion and you glared at it.

"I'm Victoria Hilton." The thing seemed like it was angry. 

"W-who? I've never heard of you..." The thing walked closer to you cornering you at the dresser as the darkness that covered herself flowed into the floor. It smirked.

"Do you remember me now?" You were scared, It was the girl from your dream...the one who made everyone disappear. Even if it was a dream...and she did all of those things in it. What was she capable of doing here. Everything you loved dearly was about to be gone at the hands of her...Victoria Hilton...

"Y-y-YOU!! WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME AND EVERYONE! WHY DO YOU WANT TO HURT EVERYONE SO BAD?!" You snarled at her and she laughed harder.

"Wow, Looks like you remember me. A Feisty one aren't you? Well If you MUST know You took him from me! Now everything you care about will be taken away from you!" She pulled out a staff from the darkness that flowed with a dark blood red diamond on the tip of it. "Do you know how much I longed for this day to come....The day You will perish and I will get back what is mine." She smiled insanely as she hugged her staff.

"Like that'll happen....I'll never let you do that!" She smirked, gripped her staff and Hit you on the side of the head with it making a cut on the side of your face making you hiss as you fell to the floor. She walk towards you as you tried to back away to look at her. She grabbed you and whispered in your ear.

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