~~~Clean Version~~~ A Promise.

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Hey everyone another special! And it's a clean version to the original lemon I made XD it's cute. Also this has nothing to do with the story line or anything You are still Zelda's little sister but this takes place as if nothing has happened. It's confusing.


Chapter 18: ~~~Clean Version~~~ A Promise.


It was 10:30 at night, The bright crystal stars brightened the navy blue sky. You looked out on your balcony to hope to see A Elf Boy Hero, Link,  in a Forest Green Tunic with eyes as blue as the Zora's Sea after the 5 years of him being on his journey. You giggled lightly as you thought about the Boy a bit. You always had a crush on him and was jealous of your sister, Zelda, Her and Link seemed like best friends, That you felt you could never compete with. Deep in your heart you felt that they were always meant for each other. But held onto a string of hope that maybe, Just maybe, you had a chance. It all started when (Name) And Link were little kids. And a Promise was made.

~~Flash Back~~

"Hurry, (Name)!" The 8 year old, Dirty Blonde/Blonde Haired boy, cried out while running while, a 7 year old, you on the other hand was scurrying to catch up but not try to get your dress dirty or else Impa might get upset. Link stopped in front of a big lake and sat under a Tree. 

"This is my Resting spot I found the other day!" Link said proudly and puffed out his cheeks and chest. You giggled a bit and smiled looking around and sat next to him. 

"It's Nice and calm here. I like it. Unlike the castle." (Name) mumbled which caught Link's attention. 

"Hey (Name)! I have a Great Idea!" You cocked your head slightly and looked at him confused.

"Idea for what?" 

"Here!" He got his little sword out from his case on his back and wrote 'Link and (Name)'s Spot' in the side of the tree. You watched shocked.

"But Link this is your spot. You found it. You shouldn't write my name." You felt guilty and looked down, but that was until. 

"But I want to share it with you..." Your eyes widened with a light blush forming your cheeks.

"R-really....?" You looked at him as he nodded and sat back down. 

"Yup...I thought about it. So I want you to be here too. Maybe when were are older...We could get married..." he blushed and your blush deepened as you laughed. 

"Promise?" You held out your pinkie finger to him and he lifted his head and smiled. 

"Promise." You both smiled and Pinkie promised, then Link added. "Let's get a cat too when we are older!"

"Okay!" (Name) giggled.


 Of Course your alone time with him subsided once your sister came along and hung around. From then it seemed like he forgot. Which you couldn't blame him since it was 10 years ago, And you never would show anyone you were jealous let alone Link or Zelda. (Name) Sighed and rested her head on her hand looking down at the reflection of the moon in the distant lake. Every Past night you waited outside on the balcony for the Hero to arrive and to see him again after such a long time. You waited and waited until you heard the rustle of the bushes on the trees next to your balcony. 

"What the...Don't tell me it's another Bug..." You got chills on your back and shook your head, turning to head inside until a slightly familiar more manly voice came out from the bush.

"(Name)." You, Confused as hell by the voice, slowly went over and look through the bushes, until a familiar yet older looking face appeared.

"Hey (Name)!" It was Link....After 5 years....You blushed noticing how close his face but then quickly turned to anger by how long he was gone. You turned back to your room and stormed off inside. 

"IDIOT!" You closed your balcony door as Link tried to get out the bushes. 

"H-Hey (Name), I know I'm sorry I've been gone! Your Sister-" You cut him off.

"I know! Jeez! Just stop! If You follow her so much then go talk to her!" You were on the verge of tears. All the emotions you felt. Jealousy, Anger,Fear, and Love. Poured out from your heart like a waterfall. Link went to the door after cleaning off and opened which as soon as he did he was hit in the face by a pillow thrown by the crying (Name). 

"Name, Are you okay?" He rubbed his cheek where the pillow hit and walked towards her reaching out for her shoulder but she pulled away. 

"Don't Touch Me!" You hissed a bit and curled up in your bed. Link Sighed and sat at the edge of the bed. 

"Why are you worked up for?...When ever I say "Zelda" You flip..." He looked concerned but you just hid your face.

"Why should you care. You want her and not me. You probably forgot our promise too...." Link's eyes widen and looked over at you. 

"Is that why your pissed? Because you think I love your sister more enough to marry her? (Name) here is the truth....I do..." Your heart shattered..just by those two words. You looked at him eyes watered and cheeks matted. "...But not as much as I love you..." Link looked at you and engulfed you in a hug as your eyes widened in shock.

"Your just saying that..." You put your head down as Link pulled away a bit but then Leaned in close to your face.

"I wouldn't lie to you." He slowly leaned more as you blushed and closed your eyes and kissed him.


Okay! So the Lemon version of this is in the next Chapter! XDDD Have fun! 

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