34 - Thinking

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1:53 AM

Groggily opening your eyes you glanced at a nearby clock and stared in shock when you realized what time it was. You sat up and scanned the dark room. Noticing an object placed on the small table in your room you got up and walked over to inspect it.

You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and studied the bouquet of flowers. Running your fingertips along the soft petals of the chrysanthemums and roses. You cautiously lifted the bunch of flowers up to your nose inhaling the intoxicating scent. You noticed a small piece of paper that had been placed next to the bouquet.

"(Y/N), I want you to know that whatever happens I love you."

You blinked a few times, this note was certainly dramatic.

"I respect you and your decisions," You rolled your eyes, " You're my favorite person in the world and whenever I see you my world lights up and suddenly everything is more vibrant. Thank you for everything you've done for me."

You narrowed your eyes at the note, you weren't sure if the butterflies in your stomach were because you were grossed out or because you kind of liked it.

You smacked yourself in the head. There was no way you actually enjoyed the attention from these guys. Reading the card over you noticed there was no signature anywhere. Flipping the piece of paper over and over you searched for some sign of who it was from. You angrily tossed the letter back on the table. You crossed your arms and read it over again. You couldn't recognize the handwriting.

A small huff escaping your lips you decided to give up on over-analyzing the gift you had been given. You picked up the flowers and smelt them once again. You heard the sound of your door click open and you spun around to see who had entered your room.

"Who gave you those?" The male walked into the room as if it was his.

"I don't know," You responded truthfully, taking in Ethan's features in the moonlight.

He narrowed his eyes, "Gimme," He reached out his hand.

You handed him the flowers cautiously and he scanned the types of flowers in the bouquet, "Love and loyalty huh? Gross," He cast the bouquet of flowers to the floor.

You stared dumbfounded at the blue haired boy in front of you. Before you could process what was happening he had pressed his lips onto yours. Your eyes widened in shock. He was feverishly devouring your lips, his hands wandering around your back and in your hair. He pulled away finally, staring at you with lust filled eyes.

"(Y/N)," He whispered your name with a husky voice before kissing you again.

You knew all the bad things he had done to you, they were present and fresh in your mind and yet you liked what he was doing. Melting into him you kissed him back. Fingers tying knots in his hair.

He pushed you into the table behind you, caging you between his arms, "You're mine, (Y/N). All mine," He smirked at your flustered expression, "I love you."

"I- Ethan, I don't know what to say," You looked away from him at the ground in embarrassment. Yes, you were flustered because of his actions but you were also partly ashamed of yourself.

"You don't have to say anything," He kissed you again, less aggressively this time. His hands exploring your body he squeezed and pinched at different parts of you. Out of breath he parted from you, his forehead resting on yours. Ethan's breaths were rapid. He cupped your cheek in his hand and rubbed his thumb along your skin.

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