5 - History Project

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You stare at the note completely confused. You look around to see the hallway almost empty. Unfolding it cautiously you read the words scribbled hastily in red ink.

"You seem so sweet,

what a gift it was for us to meet.

I barely have the courage to speak,

whenever I see you my legs go weak.

Spending time with you is so fun,

I just know you're the one.

I love you with my whole heart,

I hope we never are apart."

In shock you move back a few steps staring at the anonymous poem written on the thin piece of notebook paper in your hands. You almost drop it but pull yourself together before you do. 'Why would anyone be writing this to me on the first day? I barely know anyone here.' You ask yourself finding only one answer in the millions of questions swirling through your head. 'Maybe they put it in the wrong locker?' You propose to yourself before concluding that that must be the case. You shove the note into your bag upon hearing the last bell, signaling all students who aren't in a club to exit the building.

You sigh thinking about how crazy the day you just went through was, grabbing your skateboard and bag off the floor before making your way home. Taking in the afternoon sun you relax yourself and try to look forward to the two males who plan to come over after their council meeting. You focus on listening to the birds peacefully chirping in the trees as you breeze by on your skateboard, making your way to your house in no time. Unlocking and throwing open the door you drop your stuff on the floor and plop yourself on the couch. Hearing your cat meowing at you from the floor you drop your hand down and pet her head to satisfy her need for attention. Getting a sudden burst of energy and a need to be productive, you bounce off the couch and take your bag to your room to do the homework from other classes before Levi and Elias get there.

You finish your homework in about 15 minutes because there wasn't much of it considering it was the first day of school. Hearing your phone go off you grab it and see a message from who you can only assume is Elias.

(000)xxx-xxxx: Hey, we just finished our meeting and we should be heading over there now. Sound good?

You: Yeah sounds good, see you guys in a bit

(000)xxx-xxxx: We'll be there in 5 :)

You switch off your phone and roughly clean up your house, planning on working in the dining room since no one is home anyway. You wipe off the table of any remaining dust from not being used, and lug your school bag down the stairs placing it by your seat. Realizing you haven't changed out of your uniform, you bolt upstairs to throw on a hoodie and sweatpants. Barely having changed you hear the doorbell ring and you make your millionth trip down the stairs today. You open the door to find the two boys waiting patiently at your doorstep. Elias with a bright smile on his face and Levi with almost a grimace on his. Slightly intimidated by Levi's aura you step aside and welcome them both inside.

"You're house is pretty (Y/N)!" Elias says scanning the surroundings, staring strangely long at a picture of you hanging on the wall.

"Um thanks" You reply nervously.

"I mean its nice for a play house. Is this your summer home or something?" Levi asks like he was expecting you to live in some mansion.

"No this is just my house?"

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