30 - Corners

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3:31 AM

"(Y/N)", he whined your name in a futile attempt to make you appear in front of him. Rolling around on the cold hard ground he found no comfort. His frown grew larger. In a sudden bout of energy, he sprung from the floor and pounded on the door that kept him locked in. As far as he was concerned this was the only thing separating him and his love. "(Y/N)!" He yelled your name louder. Maybe you'd hear him.

Realizing his efforts would be futile he banged his head against the door one final time, inhaling sharply when it hurt. Holding his hand to his forehead and feeling the blood seeping from it, he started sobbing violently. He begun to rock back and forth rhythmically to try to distract himself from the pain.

"(Y/N)...I'm sorry for making you upset I'll never do it again!" As the male continued to sob he repeated apologies to you, as if you were a god of some sort. Eventually the poor boy fell asleep, comforted by sweet dreams of you.


8:23 AM

Levi shook his head. He would have to call Maxon to fix up Ethan's wounds. Originally he had been planning to keep the energetic male in isolation, but he couldn't just let him hurt himself like that repeatedly. The male stood up from his chair and went off in search of his blonde friend. He knocked on the door of Maxon's room briefly before opening the door and entering his space.

"Maxon," Levi called his friend's name.

Maxon huffed in response, waving his hand to show he was listening.

"Ethan, he hurt his head late last night."

"How did he manage that?" Maxon sat up and ruffled his blonde hair.

"Hit his head."

Maxon chuckled lightly, "Yeah but how?"

"He was whining for (Y/N) and smashed his head against the door," Levi responded casually.

The blonde haired male winced lightly, "I'll go patch him up in a minute."

Levi nodded his head and left the room, returning to his own and failing to see you hiding behind the corner.

You narrowed your eyes; did you really want to follow Maxon into who knows where, risk getting caught and in trouble, just to see some guy who you were currently quite pissed at? The answer is yes, you would in fact do that. You thought it might be better to take Elias or Beau as an accomplice in case Maxon did find you but you when you saw Maxon leaving his room you figured you didn't have enough time and opted to just follow him.

'What am I even doing right now? What am I thinking. Oh my god,' as you continued to follow Maxon as closely as possible without being seen you pondered your decisions. When you had to duck into a small room when he turned around to check behind him you regretted your life choices even more.

Sighing a small sigh of relief when you heard his footsteps continue down the hallway, you exited the room a couple seconds later. 'This is ridiculous. 'If they found me they'd probably lock me up the same way they did Ethan,' you shivered lightly upon coming to this realization.

'It's Elias' fault for leaving my door unlocked,' You thought to yourself curtly. After following Maxon down a few flights of stairs you were wondering just how large this place truly was. It was almost straight out of movies. Complete with the winding stone stairwells typically leading to the type of dungeons you would imagine these guys would have. 

'You'll be the one down here soon,' Your subconscious was sending you signs you probably should've listened to, but you figured life couldn't get any worse than it already was. The temperature suddenly dropping you shivered and rubbed your arms, 'How deep underground are we?'

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