19 - The Banquet

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"Everyone get into groups of four. We're going to be a doing a lab tomorrow afternoon." Your chemistry teacher announced, earning a chorus of groans from the students. "I don't want to hear it. I've been warning all of you about this lab since the beginning of the year. I'm being nice by allowing you to work in groups, this is an especially hard lab."

"Great..." You mumbled to yourself, hearing a chuckle from the boy to your right in response.

"We'll all work together!" Elias announces motioning to you, Levi, and Maxon.

"I suppose we can..." Levi sighs, expressing his discontent.

"What? You have a problem with me?" Maxon holds his hand to his heart as if he had been deeply offended.

"Not necessarily. I just know that you won't do any of the work."

"I will! What makes you think I won't?"

"We've worked with you in the past, Maxon. It only leads to negative things."

The blonde boy scoffs and crosses his arms, turning his head up and away from the group.

"Is it really that bad?" You whisper to Elias, not wanting to get wrapped up in Maxon and Levi's bad attitude.

"Well he's not terrible. He's good at presenting but we don't have to present anything for this lab." The boy responds, whispering as well.

"So..." You trail off for a bit, "We're doomed?"

He sighs, "Yeah, pretty much."

You sigh as well before hearing the bell ring. Just as you are about to make it out the door you feel someone grab your arm. You whip your head around quickly, being startled by the sudden contact.

"Sorry it's just, I need to talk to you..." Maxon trails off, looking to you for permission to continue.

You give a puzzled look to the boy, not because of what he was saying, but because of his sudden attitude change. He was never usually this reserved. "What is it, Maxon?"

"Well my parents are hosting this important banquet and they want me to bring a plus one if you know what I mean," He rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"So you want me, a poor person in comparison to you, to be your date to this incredibly important event?"

"Well when you put it that way it makes it sound bad..." He looks to the floor for a moment before looking back up at you with a light in his eyes, "You can borrow a dress from me and I'll give you a crash course in etiquette beforehand. I'll stick with you the whole time so you'll never be alone or anything."

"When is this 'banquet' of sorts," You say using air quotes.

"Um tonight," He smiles at you awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck once again.

You groan out loud and internally staring down the boy with fierce eyes hoping he would just give up. Apparently your stare was ineffective because he only stared right back at you with puppy eyes.

"Fine. I'll go."

"Yay!!" The boy jumps on you, wrapping his arms around your neck.

"What is up with you today?" You ask pushing him off of you.

"What do you mean?"

"You've been awfully clingy since Levi yelled at you. Normally you're more, I don't know, perverted?"

"That is rude, (Y/N)." He shakes his head disapprovingly. 'She's smarter than I thought..'

You scoff a bit before proceeding to walk down the hallway to your locker. Realizing about halfway that Maxon was still following you. Sighing once again you open your locker. You look to you left to see a pair of blue eyes incredibly close to yours.

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