37 - Quality Time

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"Aw did I hurt your poor little baby feelings?" You continuously pester Levi as you both walk down his sketchy passageway.

"(Y/N), stop," Levi sighs as he drags a hand across his face.

"Why would I?" You're feeling increasingly more confident watching Levi's hilarious reactions to your teasing. He's obviously not used to being pestered and made fun of in this way.

Hearing your quiet snickers of delight, he realizes that you enjoy this activity of annoying him out of this world. Though that's not enough to make him not want to shut you up in some unseemly way. Levi sighs once more, but does not comment so as not to fuel the fire.

"Am I to receive the silent treatment now, Levi? Good. I don't like hearing your voice anyway," You cross your arms and smirk, knowing how much that little comment would bother him.

And bother him it did. Just as he was about to open the door to what was presumably his bedroom, he spun around, shooting you the sharpest and meanest glare you had ever seen come out of a person.

It sent shivers down your spine and he noticed. He smirked, glad with his accomplishments. Levi turned back around and opened the door, moving out of the way and motioning for you to enter first.

His room was dark and masculine. His scent lingered in the air and bookshelves lined the back wall. Levi's bed was huge and the bedspread was immaculately made, as if no one even slept there.

"Well, what would you like to do now, darling?" Levi asks you casually. He studies your features as he has done countless times before. He keeps himself from tossing you on his bed and taking you right there, considering your previous interactions, telling himself that patience is key.

"Have you read all these books too?" You ask him, completely ignoring his question.

"Ah, well these ones are my favorites. Ones that I could reread hundreds of times."

You hum in understanding and continue your evaluation of his room. Quickly, the room is overrun by an uncomfortable silence.

"So," He trails off.

"So?" You ask.

"So, do you want to read something together?" He averts his gaze from you, clearly a little embarrassed.

"Why so embarrassed?" You're once again puzzled by his shy demeanor.

"Just answer the question!" He exclaims, his face flush.

"I mean, I guess so. What do you want to read with me?" Your eyes trail over to the bookshelves and you step closer to them to read the titles lining the shelves.

"If you don't want to, just tell me. You don't have to do everything I say."

"Wow really? I wish I caught that one on tape for the records. Certainly contradicts pretty much everything that's happened to me in this house," You turn back around to observe his reaction. Yeah he was a bossy, overly controlling, insecure man, but it sure was fun to be around him just to tease him.

He scoffs and his face grows increasingly darker, "Listen that's not what I was saying just- ugh forget it."

You snicker at him, "How about you read to me," You pick a random novel off the shelf and push it into his hands, "Reading out of a book with another person is annoying. You probably read really fast and to be honest I read super slow."

"Well that just means you're enjoying the story more!" He is a little disappointed that you didn't want to read with him, eliminating his excuse to be pressed up against you. However, reading to you was a pretty decent alternative. He glances at the book that you handed him, "This is my favorite."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2022 ⏰

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