11 - The Fight

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You spent the rest of your English class wallowing in your own misery. Elias had made multiple attempts at conversation but you had ignored him each and every time. You knew that he probably deserved a chance to explain himself but at the moment you were just too angry and upset to even look at the man.

"(Y/N), look can I just talk to you about this?" The poor boy tried to plead with you.

"Stop talking to me, Elias." You respond to him with the coldest voice and expression you had ever made.

Elias only turned away from you deciding to just give up for now. You weren't even thinking about reconciling with him at this point. You had never thought that he could stoop down this low, especially after how nice he had been with you when you first met. He was one of the first people who had been kind to you when you arrived.

Shaking your thoughts of doubt away, you let your pride and emotions overtake your logic as you stood up to head to your next class. Taking your seat next to Anthony you continued to ignore the black-haired male on the other side of you.

"Why do you look so upset, woman?" Anthony asked you with a somewhat kind tone.

"I'm not upset. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Are people making fun of you again? I swear to god I'll kill them just tell me what their name is."

"I mean kinda but not really?" You find yourself slowly easing into conversation with the boy who you had previously despised a couple of days prior.

"What do you mean 'kinda'? (Y/N), just tell me what their name is and I'll pummel them."

"Anthony, I don't want you to beat up anybody."

"Fine. Just tell me what happened."

"Well, there's this guy and I thought he was my friend because we hung out and did friend things but apparently he was talking bad about me behind my back, and now I don't know how to feel about him," You find it easy to talk to the brunette now that he, slightly, dropped his asshole demeanor.

"What kind of 'friend things'?"

"I mean we watched movies, and made cupcakes, and hekissedmetoo but that's not very important-"

Both of the boys on either sides of you started choking on seemingly nothing upon hearing what you had said.

"He what." Anthony said obviously upset.

You only shrunk into yourself and stared at your shoes in embarrassment.

"Who was it, (Y/N)?"

"Well would you look at the time hahaha looks like class is over," You spit out nervously standing up and rushing out of the room as fast as you possibly can.

"Hey goody-two-shoes, you got any clue what that whole thing was about?" Anthony asks his black-haired friend, who had been listening to their entire conversation.

"Nope, no clue, maybe you should ask Levi," Elias responds quickly before rushing out of the room, knowing how bad Anthony could get when he was mad.

The male only huffed in response, getting increasingly more pissed as girls crowded around him. 'The hell is wrong with that girl...' the brunette found himself lost in his thoughts as he walked to his next class.


Finally making your way to your history class you sigh loudly taking your seat next to the pink haired male, who looked at you worriedly. Said boy immediately grabbed a small slip of paper and scribbled on it furiously before passing it to you.

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