13 - Deceit

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Felling as if the world was collapsing around you, nothing seemed real anymore. You were breathing quickly, unable to release the tears your eyes were producing. You could hear the desperate voice on the other side of the phone, but nothing they were saying was processing. You heard a pounding at your door and let out a small yelp, expecting this to be your last day on earth. You stumbled your way to the living room hiding yourself behind the couch and trying to keep as quiet as possible.

"(Y/N)?" A familiar voice called out to you.

You were too terrified to say anything so you kept as quiet as possible. You were unable to contain your uneven breathing and continued to panic.

"(Y/N) where are you? It's just me (Y/N). It's Elias, I'm worried about you."

You let out a small squeak once again, not being able to formulate any words. Before you knew it the couch is pushed forward and you're pulled out from behind it. You gaze into the blue eyes that stare into yours. Finally calming down enough to cry, you fall into the boys arms and start sobbing.

"(Y/N), it's okay, I'm here now." The boy whispers into your ear while he rubs your back soothingly.

You continue to sob into the boys arms and he begins to hum softly to try to soothe you. After 15 minutes of crying you manage to calm down and lean on Elias' shoulder.

"Do you want me to get you something to drink?" The boy stares at you with concern in his eyes.

You only nod slowly and sit on the now out-of-place couch. After a couple of seconds the boy returns with a glass of water and he hands it to you. Sitting down next to you Elias begins to rub your back again.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" He asks you, being slightly pushy about it.

"Well I was out with Ethan and my phone started vibrating a lot and when I went inside I looked at it and here," Before you start panicking again you hand the boy your phone and show him the messages.

Elias gasps in shock and pulls you closer to him. "I'll protect you sweetheart. Ethan will be okay. We'll get to the bottom of this. You'll be okay, everything will be okay."

"It's okay Elias. I'm used to this sort of thing..."

"What do you mean you're 'used to this sort of thing'?"

"The same sort of thing happened at my other school."


"Well before we moved I was followed home and people would refuse to talk to me and I didn't want to go to school anymore and after this really bad thing happened my parents decided that it would be best if we just left." You explained as best as you could, trying to stay vague for the sake of your sanity.

"Why were people bullying you?"

"Well my former best friend of about 10 years had decided that I wasn't good enough for her anymore and she decided to drop me. Of course, her being the way she is, she couldn't just let me get away that easily. She spread rumors about me, told all the people I called my friends lies about how terrible I was, basically just made my life as horrible as possible." You stared at your hands trying to get them to stop shaking.

"(Y/N), I never knew..." The boy brushed his fingers through your hair in an attempt to make you feel better.

"It's okay. I got used to being alone after a while, especially after what happened right before we had to move."

"What happened?"

"Oh, well, I don't really know if I want to re-live it..." You trailed off, your hands still shaking vigorously.

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