8 - The Meeting

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"As all of you have been informed we will be gaining a new member to the student council today, and here she is." Levi glances to you after delivering his incredibly small speech, if it can even be called one.

You stand up immediately bowing to the people sitting at the table, "Hello everyone, my name is (Y/N) (L/N) and I look forward to working with you all." You give everyone a kind smile before sitting back down next to Levi with a small sigh.

As Levi begins lecturing about the next project you will be working on you tune out his words and instead opt to study the people around you. Most everyone else in the room seems as uninterested as you are, but one girl with light purple hair catches your eye as she is glaring at you with such malice it makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. After just barely making eye contact with the woman you tune back into what Levi is saying and try to brush off the feeling of her staring into your soul.

"The school festival is coming up and we all need to begin to prepare. I have devised a plan that will allow us all to work equally and efficiently. We will be splitting into groups of four and taking on different aspects of the organization. Me, the vice president, the secretary, and the treasurer, will be in charge of decorations. Johnny, Alice, Bethany, and Dylan will be in charge of food..." Levi goes on with his directions but you tune him out once again, trying to figure out who the treasurer was. You knew that Elias was the secretary so you didn't have to worry about that.

Once Levi stops spouting out nonsense, Elias quickly bounds over to where you and Levi are sitting. "Why'd you put her in our group, you know I don't like her very much." Elias says in a hushed voice to Levi.

"Well I just think you should give her a chance. She's nice once you get to know her." Levi says giving his friend a smirk and taking out a piece of paper, presumably to write ideas on.

"Hey you guys!" A sickly sweet voice chimes from behind you.

You turn around to see that same girl from earlier except with a huge smile on her face. She immediately clings onto Elias. You take a second to process what just happened but you just smile at her and turn to Levi.

"So the theme for this year is cherry blossoms." Levi says to the three of you.

"Isn't that like really overused?" You ask him.

"Yeah, but the school assigns it so we don't really have much of a choice."

"Oh, well if that's the case then we should at least try to spice it up a bit. Don't you think?" You pitch the idea to the group hoping they won't completely shut it down.

"Well I don't know how much you can spice up cherry blossoms."

"Yeah, your idea is kinda dumb new girl." The girl with purple hair says looking at you judgmentally.

"How? Just because we don't know how to do it now doesn't mean we can't come up with something later. And I was going to say, before I was interrupted, that we could order different colors of cherry blossom petals so it isn't just the same old pale pink color everywhere." You retort before immediately regretting everything you've ever done up to this moment.

"Well I think that's stupid." She says, still sticking by her point even though she knows she's wrong. "Don't you agree with me Elias?" She asks him tugging on the sleeve of his uniform.

"I think that (Y/N)'s idea was great, Aurora." he says pulling his arm away from her.

She huffs before turning her face away from the group and crossing her arms like a child.

"Levi, I want to speak with you privately for a minute." Elias says as he stands up from his seat next to you.

"Alright, we'll be right back (Y/N)."

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