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This one is for you Kartoffelsack2307

"I'm bored!" Niall whined as they were sitting in the living room area of their tour bus going to another city, another show. They were in their boxers, getting ready for bed but they were all too riled up from the show they just finished to be able to sleep.

"We can always play Uno." Liam suggested with a shrug.

"We always play Uno!" Niall complained.

"Let's change the rules then. Spanking Uno!" Louis grinned. He removed Harry's legs from his lap and reached for the deck.

Harry sat up properly, moving away from his best friend. The suggestion made him a little uncomfortable.
"That's silly."

"Of course it's silly mate. That's the point!" Louis chuckled.

Harry rolled his eyes at him.
"What are the rules?"

"Alright, Payno write this down!" Louis said and pointed at Liam.

"Me? I'm not playing spanking Uno." Liam protested.

"Sure you are. Come on, write this down." Louis said and snapped his fingers repeatedly.

Liam sighed but he found a notebook and a pen.
"So... there are four colors. Green is arm, blue is thigh, yellow is stomach and red is ass." Louis started.

Liam wrote it down.
"Even numbers are right side and odd numbers left side. The numbers on the cards are how many times you're gonna get hit." Louis continued.

Niall laughed out loud.
"We need beers for this."

He went to fetch them some and Louis continued to come up with the rules.
"Skip cards means you're off the hook,
reverse means that the person beside you gets the hits instead. Draw two means that you double the hits, wild card means that the person putting it down gets to choose where to hit you and the wild drawcard means that you'll get hit in the balls."

"This is insane." Liam muttered.

"Got a better idea?" Louis asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We can sleep?" Liam replied.

They looked at each other and no one liked that idea. Niall handed them a beer each. Zayn who had been silent the whole time reached for the deck of cards and started to hand them out.
After he had given them seven cards each he turned one around and put it in the middle of the table. It was a blue four. He looked at Niall at his left.
"You go first."

Niall grinned and looked at his cards. Liam was the one who would get the spanking. He decided to go easy on him and put down a green four. Before Liam could blink he licked his fingertips and smacked his right arm four times fast.
"Mother fuck....ouch! That hurt!" Liam shouted.

They all burst out laughing.
"This is the best idea I ever had!" Louis said between laughs.

"I'm glad you think so Tommo boy." Liam grinned and put a green nine on the table.

Louis huffed and rolled his eyes. Liam hit his arm nine times, making a clatching sound each time.
"Fuck!" Louis grunted.

He looked over at Harry who twisted uncomfortably in his seat. Louis smiled and put down a stop card.
"I'll go easy on you this time."

"Thanks, Boo." Harry beamed.

"Oh, come on! Don't go soft on him." Niall complained.

"I'm sorry you feel that way, Nialler. That means that I have to punish you." Louis smirked and laid down a yellow stop card as well, taking Zayn out, before he put down a yellow nine.

"Not fair!" Niall gasped.

"This will teach you to not badmouth my boy over here." Louis grinned.

He smacked Niall's stomach nine times.
"Revenge!" Niall growled when he was done. He put done a reverse card, followed by two block cards and a yellow nine, smacking Louis nine times on the stomach.

"You're going down!" Louis grunted. That hurt! He put down a yellow three and smacked Liam three times on the stomach.

Liam repaid him by putting down a reverse card and a yellow two and a green two, smacking Louis twice in the stomach and twice on the arm.

Louis looked over at Harry.
"Sorry baby."

He laid down a blue two. He smacked Harry's right thigh twice. Harry's breath hissed. They didn't comment on it and Harry put down a red two.
"Sorry, Zaynie." He smiled.

Zayn rolled his eyes before he got up and turned his back at Harry who gave him a light spank twice. Zayn looked at Niall with a smirk and put down a red draw two cards and a red four. He spanked Niall's bum eight times.
"Damn! That hurt. I don't understand how people can get turned on by that." Niall grunted.

Harry tensed and took a swing of his bottle. Louis glanced at him, wondering what was going on with his friend?

Niall drew two cards from the deck and put down a red seven. Liam grunted but he turned around and let Niall hit his behind. Rules were rules. He changed it to a green seven and hit Louis' left arm.

Louis turned to Harry with a smirk and laid a blue seven on the pile.
"Sorry Haz."

Harry turned around so he was facing him and spread his legs a little. Louis smacked his thigh once, twice, thrice. He could hear Harry inhale sharply and looked up, meeting his eyes, noticing that Harry's pupils had increased. He looked down at his thigh again and smacked him again, harder this time. He got a little too into it, staring at his thigh as he smacked it three more times, watching it turn red from his hand. He gulped. Okay, this was getting weird. Thank God it was over. What the hell was he doing? It wasn't like he enjoyed this, right?

Harry leaned forward almost folding himself in half and put a green seven on the pile. He hit Zayn seven times on the arm but stayed in the same position. Louis wrinkled his eyebrows. What was he doing?

Zayn put a draw two cards and a two on the pile, hitting Niall four times on the arm. Niall turned to Liam with a shit-eating grin on display. He put down a wild drawcard. Before Liam could as much as blink he smacked him in the balls. Liam grunted and covered his lower region.
"Alright, I'm out! Time for bed."

"Yeah, we should get some sleep." Zayn agreed.

"That means I won!" Niall grinned.

Everyone except Harry got up.
"Are you coming?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a sec." Harry smiled.

They took turns brushing their teeth. Harry was the last one. They said good night and crawled into their bunk beds.

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