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Harry acted like nothing had happened between them the next morning and Louis wasn't about to make a scene and embarrass himself, so he tried to act normal as well.

They met the guys for breakfast. Even if Harry talked to him as usual he noticed that he avoided eye contact. So they were back to that? That made him frustrated and sad. Last night had been a fucking revelation and here Harry acted as nothing happened. He wanted to shake him, scream at him, kiss him. Instead, he just sat there and stared at his food while Harry told the great of the guys some lame-ass joke. He couldn't even muster enough strength to laugh at the horribly bad punch line. He looked up just to find Zayn gazing at him wondering.

When they had finished eating they headed back to their hotel rooms to pack their bags. Zayn pulled him with him towards his room.
"Come on Lou, I need help to find my curling iron."

"Your what?" Louis questioned but he went with him.

As soon as Zayn had closed the door behind them he turned around and looked at him.
"What's going on?"

"What do you mean?" Louis asked innocently.

"I pick up on a weird vibe between you and Harry. Have you been in a fight or something?" Zayn asked.

"No." Louis sighed.

They sat down on the bed. He really needed someone to talk to.
"We kind of kissed. You can't tell anyone."

Zayn didn't look surprised.

"Yes." Louis admitted.

"Cool." Zayn shrugged.

"Not cool! He acts like it didn't happen!" Louis whined.

"Just talk to him about it." Zayn said.

Louis sighed.
"I'm freaked out!"

"About the kiss?" Zayn asked.

"No. Talking about it." Louis said. Twisting uncomfortably.

"Why?" Zayn asked while he reached for a cigarette. He offered one to Louis who took it.

He lit the cigarette before he answered.
"What do you mean, why? I have no idea what he thinks about it."

"Hence the talking." Zayn smirked and took a drag from his cigarette.

"He doesn't want to talk. Maybe he regrets it. Maybe he didn't like it. Maybe he's straight." Louis grunted.

"Oh, come on! How can you two be that oblivious? Seriously Louis. Get a new brain." Zayn chuckled. He inhaled the smoke and blew it out before he continued. "Just answer me this, and spare me the details. Did you do more than kiss?"

Louis blushed.

"See? Harry is not straight." Zayn smirked.

"You don't know that Zayn!" Louis protested.

"But I do. As a straight man myself I can say with absolute certainty that Harry wouldn't have done that if he's straight. The question here is what it meant to him. That's what you have to talk about." Zayn said, looking amused.

"Maybe he's just curious?" Louis sighed.

"Mate, I would kiss a guy if I was curious but the only dick I'm gonna touch is my own." Zayn grinned.

"Really?" Louis questioned.

"I'm not attracted to guys, Louis. I'm straight!" Zayn chuckled. "My point is, I can't imagine that Harry would do that either if he's straight, but what do I know. Just talk to him."

"Yeah. It's just... don't know what to say." Louis sighed.

"How about I looove you, I wanna marry you, I want to impregnate you." Zayn teased and Louis hit him in the back of the head before he put out the cigarette and stood up.

"I have to pack. Thanks, Zayn." He smiled and Zayn smiled back.

He walked over to his and Harry's hotel room and took a deep, somewhat calming breath before he entered. Harry was done packing.
"Hi." Louis said awkwardly.

"Hi." Harry didn't even look at him. He hated that.

"Haz, please look at me." Louis said softly.

Harry raised his head and looked at him. His cheeks turned pink.
"Are we okay, love? We should talk about this." Louis said and took a step closer.

Harry's eyes started to flicker.
"We just helped each other out. Not a big deal."

"Right...and you're okay with boy-on-boy action?" Louis asked.

Harry burst out laughing.
"Boy-on-boy action? Yes, I'm okay with that. I feel no need to label myself. Are you okay with it?"

"Well, I'm gay Harry." Louis said. It was the first time he said that out loud.

Harry looked a little taken back by that.
"You are? You never told me."

"I haven't told anyone, well, until now." Louis smiled shyly.

Harry took two steps forward and pulled him in for a bone-crushing hug.
"I'm proud of you. Is that silly?" 

"No." Louis said and wrapped his arms around Harry.

Harry let go after a while and Louis started packing.
"Have you been with a guy before?" Harry asked out of nowhere.

"No. You?" Louis smirked.

"No. But I liked it." Harry answered shyly.

Louis's heart stopped beating for a second.
"Yeah? Me too."

"Maybe we could explore that together? If you don't think it would mess up our friendship. I don't want that!" Harry said and bit his lower lip.

Louis gulped.
"We could. I mean, let's decide right now that we won't let it affect our friendship, okay?"

"Yeah. Just helping each other out." Harry winked.

That cheeky bastard. Louis laughed.
"Deal. Maybe I can help you out with that painkink of yours as well?" He said boldly.

Harry blushed crimson red and stuttered something coherent.
"Hey, I didn't mean to embarrass you. It's okay, love. Frankly, it's fucking hot. Okay?" Louis said softly.

"You think it's hot?" Harry asked.

"Yep." Louis smirked.

Harry looked relieved and giggled.

A knock on the door made them both jump.
"Guys! We have to go." Liam shouted.

Louis threw the last of his items in his suitcase and closed it and they left the hotel and got on their tour bus. Louis was a little distracted, going over the conversation he and Harry had. Did he agree to a friends with benefits kind of arrangement? He was pretty sure that was it. Well, no harm in trying if it meant that he and Harry would...do things. He got all warm and flustered imagining what those things would be. He wished they could start right now but they had to wait until they were alone.

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