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The bath had made them sober up a bit. Louis walked over to his suitcase to find some clean boxers. He dried himself and dropped the towel to put them on. He jumped and screeched when a wet towel whipped his behind. Harry laughed behind him. He turned his head and glared at him.

Harry looked really amused. Louis ignored the fact that they were both naked. It wasn't like they hadn't seen each other naked before, heck, Harry was naked every chance he got. He picked up his towel and snapped it, hitting Harry's upper thigh this time. Harry squealed and hit him back.

They were both laughing as they ran around in the room trying to get away and snap the wet towel, trying to hit each other at the same time.

Somewhere along the way, the atmosphere changed. He managed to hit Harry's ass a couple of times. Harry tried to take the towel away from him and they fell down on the bed wrestling. Louis landed on top of him and remembered that they were naked. He looked down at Harry to say something but his words got stuck in his throat. Before he could stop himself he smashed their lips together and kissed him fiercely.

His brain caught up with his actions and he was about to pull away and run away when he realized that Harry was kissing him back. He couldn't believe it. After years of pining, he finally was making out with Harry. Naked. They were naked. Harry's dick was pressed against his thigh. He could feel that he was hard.

Kissing Harry was better than he could have ever imagined. His lips were plump and soft, his mouth was warm and wet. He used just the right amount of tongue. He was a great kisser. It was fucking amazing and it made his head spin.

Somewhere in the back of his head, his brain was screaming at him to make sure that Harry was okay with this. He had just sprung it on him, without warning, without consent. Maybe Harry was just kissing him back because he didn't know what else to do?

He pulled back, a string of saliva connected their lips. He started down at Harry who opened his eyes and looked back at him. His eyes were dark from lust.
"I..." Louis didn't know what to say.

Harry wrapped his arms around his neck, pulling him down so he kissed him again. They swirled their tongues around. Louis buried his hands in Harry's hair, fingers getting stuck in a lock and he tugged at it. Harry let out a soft moan.

That encouraged him so he let his hand travel down Harry's chest, gracing a nipple on its way before he reached Harry's hip and grabbed it. Their breathing had increased. Harry caressed his back and when he reached his bum he squeezed it lightly. Louis breath hissed and he rutted his hips, grinding Harry's side.

They explored each other's bodies. Louis could feel Harry tremble underneath him and when his leg got wet from Harry's precum he threw all precautions out the window. His own cock was throbbing. He rolled to the side without breaking the kiss and let his hand travel lower and lower, gracing Harry's happy trail. Harry arched his back to the touch and moaned into his mouth so he continued until he reached his cock. He grabbed it, which made Harry jolt from the bed. He just held it at first, feeling the weight in his hand.

When Harry reached down and grabbed him as well he moaned and started to move his hand. Harry copied his action and they kissed sloppily while they helped each other get off. After a while, they were unable to kiss anymore but they still kept their mouth open, panting, sharing oxygen.

Louis had never been this turned on before. Harry's hand did wonders and he was getting close. He moved his head back and opened his eyes to look at the boy next to him. Harry opened his eyes as well and they started at each other for a moment. They speeded up their motions and soon they were both coming. They didn't break eye contact. Seeing Harry's face change while he orgasmed was single-handedly the most beautiful and erotic thing he had ever witness in his entire life. They worked each other through their highs before they let go. They were both trying to catch their breath.

Louis tried to find the right words to say but came up blank, brain still fuzzy from post-orgasm. They just looked at each other. Harry didn't speak either. Louis felt an 'I love you' bubble up and he just wanted to shout it out and the words almost left his lips when Harry spoke up.
"I'm gonna clean up. Thanks."

"Ehm, you're welcome?" Why did he say that? So stupid!

Harry hurried out of bed and walked to the bathroom. Louis stared at the ceiling. They should talk about what just happened. He couldn't believe that just happened! What did it mean?  He knew what it meant to him, but what did it mean to Harry? He was scared to ask. His heart was at stake. If Harry rejected him he didn't know what he would do.

Harry came out from the bathroom and went over to his own bed and laid down. Oh, okay. Louis's heart dropped. He got up and headed to the bathroom to get clean. When he returned Harry was facing the wall.
"Good night Haz."

"Good night."

He laid down and pulled the cover over him. He fucked up.

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