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They played another show and it went great. They had a blast up on stage and the audience was wonderful as always. They headed straight to the bus after a quick shower in their dressing rooms. They were all tired after staying up too late the day before and they headed straight to bed. Louis waited for Harry to be done in the bathroom. Harry was already in his boxers when he exited. Louis' eyes fell on his thigh where a bruise was starting to form.
"Haz! Did I do that? Let me see. I'm sorry." He gasped and grabbed Harry's thigh to take a closer look.

"It's okay, Lou. All part of the Uno spanking game." Harry winked.

Louis brushed a hand over the bruise, totally mesmerized for a second. He realized that he was acting a bit strange and let go as if he had burned himself.
"Yeah, not one of my brightest ideas."

"I thought it was pretty funny. The look on Liam's face when Niall hit him in the balls was priceless." Harry said and giggled. 

"Yeah. Good night, Haz."

"Good night, Lou." Harry smiled.

They played a couple of shows more before Niall picked up the Uno a couple of nights later with a grin.
"Again? I'm not sitting next to you. Leave my balls alone." Liam said and moved so he was sitting between Harry and Zayn instead.

"That means your balls are mine now Tommo the tease." Niall grinned and started to deal.

"Why are you making it weird mate?" Louis chuckled.

"What? It wasn't sexual. I'm just joking." Niall replied.

"Sure." Zayn smirked.

"Whatever. You start Louis."

There was a green three on the table so he put down a green four. He slapped Harry's arm gently.
"What the hell was that?" Niall questioned.

Louis just shrugged his shoulders.
Harry put down a green five and smacked Liam's arm. Liam changed color to yellow and smacked Zayn's stomach five times. Zayn smirked and laid down two plus and an eight.
"Sixteen times?" Niall screeched.

"You were the one who wanted to play this again." Zayn smirked.

Niall stood up and raised his arms over his head.
"Give me your best try."

Zayn slapped him sixteen times with his palm and Niall flinched every time.
"Crap. That hurt!" He said when he sat down again. His stomach was red.

The rest of them had been laughing. Niall glared at Louis and put a red eight on the table.
"Who's laughing now?"

Louis rolled his eyes at him but turned around so Niall could spank his bum eight times. It stang. It was his turn. He glanced at Harry. He looked a little nervous. Louis put a plus two card down and followed it by a red two.
"Sorry, love." He smiled.

Harry seemed relieved and got up and turned around. Louis stared at his behind for a second before he smacked him, not too hard but not too soft either. He found himself wishing that Harry wouldn't have any pants on and shook his head in confusion. Why would he even think something like that? Since when did he like spanking?

They played another round and when it was his turn he put down a reverse card followed by a red eight. Niall complained loudly that everyone wanted to spank his ass. Louis delivered the spanks but he sure as hell didn't wish that Niall would be bare. That was both unsettling and a relief. He glanced at Harry. His best friend was looking down at his hands, fiddling.

The game continued. Niall smacked Zayn's ass thrice and then it was Zayn's turn. He hit Liam in the balls and Liam fell over with a grunt.
"That's it. I hate this game."

They went to bed. Louis laid awake thinking. That he was crushing on Harry pretty badly wasn't a secret, at least not to him. He obviously hadn't told Harry that, or anyone else for that matter. Wanting to spank him was a whole other thing. He had no idea he was into that. How embarrassing. He was definitely not telling anyone about that.

They did two more shows in England before they flew over to The States to start their American tour. It was their second time touring The States. Between shows they mostly hung out in their hotel. Touring was great and all. They went to all these amazing places but they didn't get to see much of the cities they visited.

That was how they ended up playing another round of Uno spanking. At least they got a good laugh out of it. It was Zayn who suggested it this time.
"I can't believe I'm saying this but Uno?"

They were all gathered in Harry's and Louis' hotel room. They always had the biggest one because they liked to share a room. Two single beds of course.
"Ugh, fine, but no hitting in the balls this time. I would like to have children in the future. Thank you very much." Liam said.

They all looked at Louis.
"Ehm, how about getting hit by something hard like a paddle?"

"A paddle? Where are we gonna find a paddle? I swear, this is starting to sound like some kinky sex stuff." Liam muttered.

No one noticed Harry's blushed cheeks. Louis jumped up from bed and went over to his suitcase. He threw some stuff around until he found what he was looking for.
"Aha!" He shouted and held up a ping pong racket.

The guys burst out laughing.
"Oh my. Now we know what you and Harry are doing at night when you request to stay in the same room all the time." Niall joked.

"Oh, in your wet dreams Horan!" Louis retorted. He refused to look at Harry. 

They sat down on the floor. Louis made sure to sit next to Harry for reasons he didn't want to admit. Liam dealt the cards, having Niall to his left.
"Alright, I'll go easy on the first round. No paddle Z." Niall smirked and put down a green four, wetting his fingertips before he smacked Zayn's arm.

Zayn took it without complaint and put down a green six, earning Louis six slaps on the arm. Louis glanced at his cards and then he looked at Harry and put down a blue six. He was more of a thigh guy. He grunted internally over that statement, and the fact that Harry was wearing pants.

He let his palm connect with Harry's thigh six times, strangely disappointed that the fabric of his jeans left out that sound when his hand met bare skin. Harry twisted uncomfortably so Louis looked up to make sure that he was okay. Harry was pouting, looking restless.
"I didn't hit too hard, did I?"

"No. My jeans are in the way. It didn't even hurt." Harry replied.

That was a bit odd. It almost sounded like Harry was disappointed that it didn't. They continued the game. Harry put a stop card down and slapped Liam's thigh once instead.

Liam looked at Niall with a wicked grin. He slowly put a card down, making a show of it.
"Louis, hand me that ping pong racket please."

Niall gasped in horror. Harry started to giggle and Louis grinned. Zayn looked amused.
"Niall, get up. Lean over the bed." Liam said.

Niall sighed but did as he was told. A game was a game. Liam positioned himself behind him and aimed before he smacked him with the racket.
"Son of a bitch, that fucking hurt!" Niall wailed.

They decided to end the game after they all had managed to stop laughing. The boys disappeared to their rooms and Louis and Harry got ready for bed. Louis let Harry use the bathroom first and went in after him. When he came back out Harry was holding the ping pong racket, weighing it in his hand.
"What are you doing over there?"

Harry flinched and dropped the racket. He leaned down to pick it up.
"Nothing." He mumbled and hurried over to his bed.

Louis wondered what that was about but he didn't comment on it further. He turned the lights off and crawled into bed.
"Night, Hazza."

"Good night, Lou."

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