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"What happened to your voice?" Niall asked Harry a couple of days later.

"I'm probably catching a cold or something." Harry lied poorly with blushed cheeks.

"Oh no, drink a lot of tea. Do you have a fever?" Niall asked in concern.

"No. I'm fine Ni." Harry replied.

Louis watched him squirm uncomfortably. He was very amused. He knew exactly what had happened to Harry's voice. He tried to hide his smirk. Zayn looked at him and rolled his eyes.

He still had a fresh memory of how insanely beautiful and sexy Harry had looked last night on his knees, begging him to fuck his mouth. He had come all over his face and that was like, the gayest thing he had ever witnessed. Harry orgasmed from it, almost no touching. It had single-handedly been the most erotic moment in his life and he had fallen even more in love with him after that.

They had done half their tour. They were in a new town, a new concert, a new hotel. They were backstage getting ready. Soundcheck had run smoothly and now they just tried to relax before the show. Louis picked up a football and headed to an empty space to kick it around. Niall and Liam joined him while Harry drank ginger tea to ease his throat. Louis realized that they couldn't do that when they had a concert. It had to be something for special occasions when they had some time off. Too bad. He had really enjoyed it, Harry too.

Harry's voice got a little better thankfully. It was almost time to get up on stage. Louis drank some water when Harry leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"I'm wearing the buttplug. I think you should fuck me after the show."

Louis spit half of the water on the floor and choked on the rest. He started to cough and tried to breathe. Harry had a huge grin on display.
"What's going on guys?" Niall asked.

"Nothing." Louis croaked.

"You two are so weird nowadays." Niall huffed.

Louis didn't have to answer that because it was time to get up on stage. He was a little distracted for the whole concert. Harry told him they were gonna have sex for crying out loud. Oh, and the buttplug! Could you blame him?
He tried to enjoy the concert but honestly, he just wanted it to be over with. Sex. Sex!

It was a great concert after all and they headed to their hotel afterward. Louis came up with a lame excuse about being tired and Harry should rest too to save his voice. They hurried off.
"Guys? What the heck are those two up to? They sure spend a lot of time together in their hotel room." Niall commented.

"I guess they're just tired. This tour takes a toll on all of us." Liam answered.

"Yeah, that's probably it." Zayn agreed. He didn't want to know what they were actually doing but Louis seemed to have taken him up on his advice and talked to Harry. Good for them.

In the meantime, Harry and Louis had reached their room. Louis locked the door behind them. Harry went over to the bed and stripped out of his clothes. Louis stayed back and enjoyed the show. When Harry dropped his boxers he had to take a closer look.
"Let me see the plug."

Harry leaned over the bed. Louis brushed his fingers over his hole just to find a plug nuzzled between his cheeks.
"Does it hurt?"

"I prepped myself. It was a bit tricky. Yes and no. Sometimes when I shift it presses against my walls, other times my prostate. I had to hold back a moan on stage." Harry giggled.

"Naughty." Louis smirked.

"So are you gonna fuck me or what?" Harry asked.

Louis furrowed his eyebrows. The first time Harry said it, it took him by surprise and it was hot. Now it kind of bothered him. Using the word fuck sounded so emotionless. He didn't want to be a total cheeseball and call it lovemaking but sex at least sounded neutral.

"Sorry, of course I wanna have sex with you." Louis smiled.

"Take your clothes off then." Harry replied and wiggle his eyebrows.

Harry crawled into bed while Louis stripped out of his clothes. They had decided to not push their beds together and use on for sexual activities where they didn't have to sleep on dirty sheets later on. Sharing a single bed when they slept was a bit crowded but honestly, it was just cozy. Harry never commented on the fact that they always woke up in a spooning position.

He climbed on the bed as well as soon as he was naked. Harry was already on his back waiting for him. Louis brought lube and a condom.
"I probably have to stretch you some more so it won't hurt as much."

"Yeah." Harry agreed.

Louis lubed his fingers. He pulled out the plug carefully before he replaced it with one finger. He could easily push it inside so he changed to two, trying to scissor them to stretch Harry wider. They had done this a couple of times by now so it was easier. Harry relaxed right away. They had never done more than two fingers though. After scissoring him he tried three fingers. Harry looked a little uncomfortable.
"Okay?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, it stings a little but that's fine." Harry replied.

Louis continued to open him up so he would fit. He took his time, making sure that he wouldn't hurt him.
"I think I can take you now." Harry finally said.

He pulled his fingers out and wiped them on the sheets before he reached for the condom. He gave his cock a couple of strokes to make it fully hard before he rolled on the condom. He took the bottle of lube and poured some on his dick and made sure to coat all of it. He got situated between Harry's legs and put the tip against his stretched hole.


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