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Harry immediately got in position, wiggling his bum in anticipation. Louis had to hold back a laughter. He shouldn't find this cute but Harry was adorable.
"Can you remove your boxers?"

"Of course." Harry agreed easily and took them off before he got back to the same position.

The card game was forgotten. It had been a way to break the ice. Louis put a hand on Harry's ass and squeezed it.
"Tell me how you want it and tell me when you had enough. Okay?"

"Yes." Harry hissed.

This should feel weird but it didn't. Louis's stomach was a turmoil of butterflies. He raised his hand and let it smack down on Harry's left cheek. Harry rocked forward with a gasp.
"Okay?" Louis asked.

"Yes. One." Harry answered.

So he was back at counting? That was so fucking hot. Louis spanked him again. Harry let out a small moan.

Louis ran his hand over the spot before he spanked him again.
"Three. Harder, Lou." Harry whimpered.

Louis complied. He changed hand and smacked him again. Harry moaned.

Louis's dick was throbbing by now and he squeezed it before he let his palm meet Harry's ass once more.
"Five." Harry gasped.

He spanked him five more times and Harry started to sob.
"Are you okay? Is it too much?" Louis panicked.

"Feels so good. Harder. I'm so close." Harry said with a broken voice. He hadn't been able to hold himself up any longer and was laying with his head on the pillow.

"What? You can come from this?" Louis questioned, mind completely blown.

"Yeah, please Lou." Harry whined.

Louis looked to the side and saw the ping pong racket. He picked it up.
"Do you want me to use the racket?"

"Oh, fuck! Yes!" Harry shouted.

Louis aimed and spanked him with the racket, making a loud sound. Harry cried out.
"Oh God, moooore!"

He hit him again. Harry's whole body was trembling. He moaned out loud. He spanked him again and Harry tensed and then he came, shouting out his orgasm. Louis almost came too from the sight. He threw the racket on the bed and palmed himself. Harry turned around and looked at him. His cheeks were wet and he looked absolutely wrecked. He looked down at Louis's crotch and scrambled to his feet. He put a hand on Louis's chest and pushed him down.
"Let me take care of that."

Louis removed his hand and Harry pulled his boxers down, making his cock jump out. He crawled between his legs and Louis waited for him to jerk him off. Instead, Harry licked his lips and opened his mouth.
"Can I suck you off?"

"Yeah." Louis breathed out.

Harry only hesitated for a second before he wrapped his lips around his cock and started to suck. Louis threw his head back with a moan. Harry went down, trying to take all of it, which made him gag so he pulled off. He bobbed his head, swirling his tongue and Louis saw stars.
"Close." He managed to get out so Harry could move but he didn't. Instead, he just sucked harder.

Louis came with a shout and Harry tried to swallow, spluttered a little. He pulled off and used his hand to finish it, while he swallowed the load with a grimace. Louis rubbed his face.
"That was awesome. Are you okay?" He asked and looked at Harry.

"Yeah, taste a little weird but I guess that's something you get used to." He grinned.

He laid down next to Louis, turning his head to look at him. They both smiled.
"I can't believe you came from getting spanked. That's so cool." Louis said.

Harry giggled.
"You're really good at that part, like, being in control."

"Thanks?" Louis chuckled.

"Thank you for helping me explore that without making fun of me." Harry said shyly.

"Why would I make fun of you? You have a pain kink, so what?" Louis answered.

"It's weird." Harry huffed.

"It's not. It's sexy Haz. Honestly. Don't feel bad about it." Louis said sincerely and Harry smiled.

"Okay." Harry replied, sounding relieved. Then he pulled a face.
"Not to be that person, but I'm laying on the wet spot. It's kind of gross."

Louis burst out in a loud cackle.
"I guess we're sleeping in your bed then but first I need a shower."

Harry giggled and nodded his head. They got up and headed to the bathroom and got in the shower together. They were both giggling. At least until Harry caught Louis checking him out as he soaped his body. Harry crashed into him and kissed him hungrily. Louis spun them around and pressed Harry against the tiles. Harry moaned and went pliant under his touch, which was intoxicating. They made out and helped each other get off one more time.

They finished washing up and got out of the shower. They were both grinning like fools. They got dry and brushed their teeth before they walked back to the room. Louis collected the deck of Uno cards that were scattered all over the floor and Harry pitched in. They put them in Louis's suitcase with the ping pong racket before they climbed into Harry's bed. It was crowded and Harry giggled.
"I think we'll have to start asking for a king-size bed in the future."

"That won't be suspicious at all." Louis smirked.

"It's no one's business." Harry replied.

"Right...I told Zayn." Louis confessed.

Harry snapped his head to the side to stare at him, eyes wide open.
"You told him?"

"Sorry. I needed someone to talk to. I just said that we kissed. He's cool with it by the way." Louis answered apologetically.

"That's good I guess." Harry replied, clearly uncomfortable.

"He won't tell anyone." Louis said.

"Yeah, it's okay Lou. Just...can we not tell anyone else? It's private. I'm not comfortable sharing this with anyone." Harry said.

It wasn't like Louis was ready to come out either. His mum was religious. Even if he thought that she would be supportive he had always been afraid that she wouldn't. There was always that risk.
"Same. It's fine by me."

"Thanks, Lou. You're my best friend. I'm so glad that I have you." Harry smiled.

He really knew how to twist the knife. Friend.
"Me too. Good night."

"Good night." Harry replied and turned his back to him.

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