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They arrived at their next set a couple of hours later. They weren't performing until the next day so they had the evening off.
"So what do you wanna do guys?" Niall asked as they were walking into the hotel they were staying at for the night.

Louis glanced at Harry and found him already looking at him.
"I'm tired. I'm just gonna go to the room and catch up on some sleep."

"Yeah, me too." Harry immediately said and even threw in a fake yawn.

"But it's only seven o'clock." Niall said, sounding confused.

Louis shrugged his shoulders.
"I didn't get much sleep last night. The bed was lumpy."

"Really lumpy." Harry agreed.

Louis saw that Zayn was looking at them with an amused smirk but he didn't say anything.

"My bed was just fine." Niall said.

"Liam and I can hang out with you Nialler. Let these two sleep." Zayn offered, still smirking.

Louis gave him a thankful smile. They got their key cards and headed to their room. No one even questioned why they wanted to share one. They had been since day one. Harry opened the door and stepped inside. Louis closed the door behind them. They dumped their suitcases by the door. Harry went to sit on one of the beds.

"So." Louis repeated and took a seat on the other bed.

Things were awkward. He didn't know how to proceed. Harry seemed to be thinking the same thing.
"Uno?" Louis blurted out.

"Absolutely." Harry immediately agreed, eyes glittering with humor.

Louis grinned and walked to the hallway to find the cards. He rumbled through his suitcase for a while until he finally found them. He hesitated briefly but brought the ping pong racket as well. When he returned Harry was stripping out of his clothes. Oh, okay. Naked Uno. Well, it would help when it came to spanking. Louis shook his head to clear his mind. He threw the racket and deck of cards on the bed and hauled his t-shirt over his head. When they were both in their boxers Harry came and took a seat on Louis's bed. He reached for the cards and shuffled them. Louis sat down as well.
"Maybe we should change the rules a little? Instead of arm we can go nipple." Harry suggested.

"You want me to hit your nipples?" Louis questioned.

Harry shrugged his shoulders. His cheeks were turning pink.
"They're sensitive."

"Alright. Nipples then. Can I use my mouth?" Louis smirked.

"Sure." Harry agreed, cheeks turning brighter red.

He gave them seven cards each and put one card in the middle. It showed a green six.

Louis looked at his cards and put down a blue six.
"Front or back?" Harry asked.

"That's up to you." Louis chuckled.

"Start with the front then." Harry said and laid down.

Louis crawled up in bed and sat down next to Harry. He smacked his thighs six times. Harry held his breath. Louis stayed where he was, thinking that it would be easier. Harry looked at his cards and laid a blue two on the pile. Louis let him smack his thighs twice. It stung. He changed color and put down a yellow two.
"Maybe we should change this color too? Instead of hitting your stomach, I can give you a love bite?"

"Uhm, okay, as long as we cut the number in half and put them where they won't be seen. We can't walk around with hickies all over us." Harry giggled.

"Fair. So one love bite then. Lay down." Louis instructed and Harry scooched down.

Louis ponder over where to place it and decided to give him one on the tummy. He sucked on the skin just above Harry's belly button, extracting a giggle from Harry. He continued to suck and dragged his tongue against the skin. When he was done he pulled back to look at his creation. Harry had goosebumps and a red mark had formed. Feeling satisfied he sat up again.

Harry smirked and put down a yellow four.
"Your turn to get marked. Lay down."

Louis rolled his eyes but complied. Harry latched on to his left hip bone, making him gasp. When he had created a lovebite he caressed Louis's tummy, gracing them with his lips until he reached the other hip bones. He sucked a bruise there as well.

When he was done Louis was sporting a semi. Harry glanced at his crotch and smirked before he sat up. Louis put down a yellow eight and grinned at the boy beside him.

Harry rolled his eyes and laid down. Louis leaned over him and targeted his left hip bone. He made a love bite and then he kissed his way over to the right hip one and made dark there as well. Harry gasped. Louis got further down and made a love bite on Harry's inner thigh, earning him a small moan from Harry. He blew on the mark before he attacked his other thigh and created a hickie there as well. Harry squirmed underneath him and put a hand in his hair. This was definitely turning sexual, and that excited him beyond belief. He glanced at Harry's crotch when he was done. He was hard. Lovely.

Harry looked at his cards and put down a wild card.
"So where do you want to spank me?" Louis said amused.

Harry gave him a once over.
"Hmmm....what if instead of spanking you I do this?"

Harry reached out a hand and put it on Louis's crotch, rubbing it, squeezing it. Louis drew in a heated breath. Yeah, that worked too. Harry removed his hand with a cheeky grin.
"Cheap trick." Louis snorted but he smiled to make sure that Harry knew that he was just teasing him.

"Below the belt?" Harry grinned and giggled at his bad pun.

"Dork! Chose a color." Louis smiled.


Louis looked at his cards and put down a green eight. Harry smiled and laid down.
"Give them all equal attention."

Louis giggled. Harry had four nipples. He leaned down and sucked his left upper one in his mouth and played with it for a while before he licked the lower one. After giving it the same attention he moved to the right lower one. Harry let out a humming sound of appreciation. Louis moved up and tugged at the upper right nipple instead. Harry gasped and rutted his hips.

Louis made another round and Harry got more vocal. When he was done he sat back, noticing a wet patch on Harry's boxers. Harry opened his eyes and looked at him. His pupils were dilated. Louis smiled at him.

Harry put a green four on the pile and Louis laid down just to have Harry situating himself between his legs. He took one of his nipples in his mouth and tugged on it and pinched the other one between his fingers. Louis drew in a heated breath. That was nice.

Harry played with his nipples, taking turns with his mouth. Louis's breathing increased. This was turning him on. When Harry was done he looked up at him and their eyes got stuck. Louis pulled him up and crashed their lips together, kissing him hungrily. Harry whimpered and kissed him back. When they needed to come up for air Louis caressed Harry's hair.
"Do you want me to spank you?"

"Yes, please." Harry breathed out.

"Hands and knees, baby."

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