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Louis pushed inside slowly, inch by inch, watching Harry's face the whole time for discomfort. He could see that it hurt and he rubbed his thumbs over Harry's hipbones to try and ease the pain.
"Okay?" He asked when he was halfway.

"Yeah, go on." Harry replied, voice sounding a little restrained.

He pushed all the way in until he bottomed out and stopped to give Harry time to adjust. Harry nodded his head after a while so he pulled out, just leaving the tip inside and pushed inside again slowly. Harry gasped.
"Okay?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, go on." Harry replied.

Louis smiled and laid down on top of him so he could kiss him. Harry kissed him back briefly but then he turned his head to the side. So he didn't want to kiss? Louis furrowed his eyebrows a little but decided to not make a big deal about it. Harry was probably too concentrated on trying to relax. He pulled himself up again and started to thrust at a slow pace. He got into it. He leaned down again to kiss him but Harry turned his head away again.
"Can I turn around? I want you to spank me." Harry said.

He wanted to be spanked now? The first time they had sex? Well, if that was what he needed Louis wasn't gonna deny him that. He pulled out and Harry turned around and got on his hands and knees. Louis grabbed his hips and penetrated him again. He built up a tempo. Harry started to moan.
"Spank me Lou, please!"

Louis let his hand fall down on Harry's ass half-heartedly. Harry moaned. He changes his angle and tried to find his prostate. He immediately heard when he had succeeded. Harry cried out.
"Oh, fuck! Harder!"

He put more force into it and spanked him again. Harry was really loud. He reached behind his legs and started to jerk off. Louis fucked him, throwing in an occasional spank here and there. Harry whined. A couple of minutes later Harry combusted. He squeezed Louis's cock and it was enough to tip him over the edge. He shot his load in the condom and fucked them through their highs before he pulled out and got rid of the condom. He felt unsatisfied. That wasn't exactly how he had pictured his first time with a guy. He had thought that it would be softer. Not that he didn't like it rough.

Harry laid down, trying to catch his breath and he laid down next to him, waiting for a cuddle but Harry didn't seem to have any intentions to cuddle him and he didn't want to seem clingy. Harry turned his head to look at him.
"That was so good. This whole friends with benefits deal we have is perfect. Wanna give bottoming a try?"

"No!" Louis replied in an instant. That would fucking ruin him emotionally.

Harry furrowed his eyebrows.
"That's okay."

"We should get some sleep." Louis said.

"Alright." Harry got up from the bed and went to the bathroom. He was limping badly. If this whole situation hadn't been so messed up Louis would have laughed. He went after him and they washed up and brushed their teeth before they laid down in Harry's bed.

Harry fell asleep but Louis laid awake. Too many thoughts were running around in his head. Too many emotions were going through him. He glanced at Harry. He was sound asleep. He got out of bed and threw some clothes on before he snuck out of the room. He went to knock on Zayn's door. It took a while before he opened it.
"Louis? What's wrong?"

"Fucking everything!" Louis said and burst out crying.

Zayn's eyes grew wide and he opened the door wider to let him inside. Neither of them got any sleep that night. Louis poured his heart out while chain-smoking. Zayn listened to all of it.
"You have to talk to Harry. You have to tell him how you feel."

"I can't do that." Louis sighed.

Zayn tried to convince him to confess his feelings but Louis was stubborn. Scared senseless was the honest truth. He snuck back to his room at seven just to find Harry awake.
"Where have you been?"

"I hung out with Zayn." Louis replied.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, eyeing him in concern. 

Louis sighed and dragged a hand through his hair.
"I don't know."

"What's wrong?" Harry questioned.

Louis took a seat on the bed opposite Harry.
"I've been thinking. Last night was great but I can't do friends with benefits. We should stop." He avoided eye contact.

"Did I do something wrong?" Harry wondered.

Louis glanced at him. Harry's lower lips were trembling.
"No, you did nothing wrong. Promise. It's me."

Harry stared at him. He was fuming with anger.
"Really, Louis? It's not you, it's me? So that's it? Now that you fucked me you can toss me to the side? That was such a shitty move. I thought you were better than that!" Harry shouted.

"What? That's not it!" Louis said, shocked that Harry would even think that.

"How is it then?" Harry snorted.

He just wanted to scream 'I fucking love you!' but he couldn't get the words out. He had spent two years hiding his feelings. He couldn't say it. He wasn't brave enough.

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Screw you." Harry growled and stormed off.

Louis heard the door slam. He laid down on the bed and let the tears out.

Harry didn't return. Louis collected himself, washed his face, and went down to eat breakfast. The boys were already there, including Harry who didn't even as much as glance at him as he made his way over. Zayn gave him a concerned look. He sat down and ate breakfast in silence. He could feel the boys looking at him but he ignored it. Harry didn't say a word.

Zayn pulled him to the side when they were done eating.
"It didn't go well?"

"I couldn't tell him. I just said that I can't do friends with benefits. He's angry." Louis sighed.

"Louis. You have to tell him." Zayn replied.

"He could tell me if he had feelings for me! He's the one who started the whole friends with benefits thing." Louis muttered.

Zayn didn't push it. Louis went to pack his bag. He was nervous about being alone with Harry but he didn't have to worry. The room was empty and Harry's suitcase was gone. He hurried to pack his things and headed to the tour bus. The rest of them was already waiting outside the bus. Louis didn't say anything, he just opened the bus to get in.
"Harry? Why are you limping?" He heard Niall's voice behind him and snapped his head to stare at him.

"I fell." Harry muttered.

Niall seemed to accept that explanation. They entered the bus and took off.
"Let's play Uno." Niall suggested.

"No!" Harry and Louis growled simultaneously and got up. Harry disappeared to the back of the bus and Louis went and laid down on one of the bunk beds.

Niall looked between the rest of his bandmates.
"Was it something I said?"

Zayn just shrugged his shoulders and started to talk about something else.

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