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Two weeks went by and they spent the nights perfecting their hand and blowjob techniques. It was great even if Louis wanted to try other things. He didn't want to bring it up though, afraid that he would scare Harry away.

To his utter surprise, Harry was the one who brought it up instead. They were laying in bed, both coming down from their highs.
"So I googled some stuff." Harry said and blushed lightly.

"What kind of stuff?" Louis asked.

"Ehm, like, gay sex stuff." Harry answered.

"Really? Okay, and?" Louis replied.

"And I wouldn't mind try it out, if you want to, of course." Harry said.

"Yeah, what things are we talking about?" Louis smiled.

"Rimming, fingering." Harry answered shyly.

"Absolutely. We need lube though." Louis said.

"How are we gonna get lube? I'm not gonna ask someone to buy it for us and I don't want Paul to see me buy it." Harry sighed.

"We just have to sneak out." Louis smirked.

"Sneak out? We will be in so much trouble when they find out!" Harry giggled.

"We can ask Zayn to cover for us?" Louis suggested.

Harry seemed to hesitate and Louis got it.
"Without telling him what we're buying."

"Yeah, okay. Let's google pharmacies nearby. I feel adventurous." Harry giggled and reached for his phone.

They were going to Phoenix next so Harry googled pharmacies nearby the hotel they were staying at. They found one a couple of blocks away. Harry saved the address.
"We'll take a cab." Louis suggested.

They fell asleep after that and the next morning they got on the tour bus after breakfast. They arrived in Phoenix later that day. Louis managed to pull Zayn to the side as they entered the hotel room.
"Harry and I have to sneak out for a while. Can you cover for us?"

"Sneak out where?" Zayn questioned.

"We're just gonna buy something. We'll take a cab there and back. We'll be gone for half an hour. Can you cover for us? Please, Zayn?" Louis asked.

"Uhm, sure. Don't let anyone see you!" Zayn answered.

Louis hugged him.
"Thanks! You're the best!"

They got their key cards to their rooms. Louis told the boys that he and Harry would get some rest before dinner and that they didn't want to be disturbed. They dumped their suitcases in their rooms, put on a baseball cap and sunglasses before they snuck out. They managed to get past their security and found a cab. They asked the can driver to wait for them outside the pharmacy and rushed inside.

They found the right aisle and looked at the products.
"There are so many options. What are we gonna buy?" Harry whispered.

"Let's try different ones. Here's a strawberry flavored one, this one is plain." Louis said quietly and snatched two bottles of lube.

"This one too." Harry said and took another brand and gave it to Louis.

He then reached for a box of condoms, glancing at Louis with blushed cheeks. Louis smiled and nodded his head encouraging. Harry gave him a box with a mix of different condoms. They hurried to the register and Louis paid for it and clutched the brown paper bag against his chest as they hurried out of the store. The taxi was waiting for them so they got inside and headed back to the hotel. They were both giggling exhilarated.

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